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C# var Keyword with Example
In this tutorial, we will learn about the var keyword, its usage, syntax, and example in C#.
By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 04, 2023
C# var Keyword
In C#, the var Keyword is used to declare an implicit type variable, which specifies the type of a variable based on initialized value.
var variable_name = value;
Example of var keyword in C#
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
var a = 10;
var b = 10.23;
var c = 10.23f;
var d = 10.23m;
var e = 'X';
var f = "Hello";
Console.WriteLine("value of a {0}, type {1}", a, a.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("value of b {0}, type {1}", b, b.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("value of c {0}, type {1}", c, c.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("value of d {0}, type {1}", d, d.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("value of e {0}, type {1}", e, e.GetType());
Console.WriteLine("value of f {0}, type {1}", f, f.GetType());
//hit ENTER to exit
value of a 10, type System.Int32
value of b 10.23, type System.Double
value of c 10.23, type System.Single
value of d 10.23, type System.Decimal
value of e X, type System.Char
value of f Hello, type System.String