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C# program to trim a specified string from the left side
Given a string, we have to trim (remove) the spaces from left side using C# program?
Submitted by Nidhi, on October 10, 2020 [Last updated : March 21, 2023]
Trimming a string from left
Here we read a string and then trim the string from left using TrimStart().
C# code for trimming a string from left
The source code to program to trim a specified string from the left side in C# is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.
//Program to trim a specified string from left side in C#
using System;
class TrimDemo
static void Main(string[] args)
string str = "";
Console.Write("Enter a string: ");
str = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("String Before TrimStart()####" + str+"####");
str = str.TrimStart();
Console.WriteLine("String After TrimStart()####" + str+"####");
Enter a string: Include Help
String Before TrimStart()#### Include Help ####
String After TrimStart()####Include Help ####
Press any key to continue . . .
Here, we created a class TrimDemo that contains the Main() method. The Main() method is the entry point of the program. Here we declared a string variable str, and then read the value of the string. After that, we printed the string before calling TrimStart() and method and then trimmed the string from the left side using TrimStart() method and printed the trimmed string on the console screen.
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