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C# - Search an Item in an Array Using Binary Search
Here, we are going to learn how to search an item in an array using binary search in C#?
Submitted by Nidhi, on August 22, 2020 [Last updated : March 19, 2023]
Here we will search an item using binary search. The binary search is a searching technique used to search for items from a sorted array.
C# program to search an item in an array using binary search
The source code to search an item in an array using binary search in C# is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully on Microsoft Visual Studio.
//Program to search an item in an array
//using binary search in C#.
using System;
class Demo
public static void SearchItem(int []array, int item)
int itemAtIndex = Array.BinarySearch(array, 0, array.Length, item);
if (itemAtIndex >= 0)
Console.WriteLine("Item "+item+" found at index "+itemAtIndex);
Console.WriteLine("Item does not found");
public static void Main()
int[] intArray = { 012,123, 345,456, 786};
SearchItem(intArray, 786);
Item 786 found at index 4
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created a class Demo that contains two static methods SearchItem() and Main(). The SerachItem() method is used to search an item from a sorted array using BinarySearch() method. The BinarySearch() method returns the index if the item is found in a specified array otherwise it returns a negative value.
In the Main() method, we created an integer array intArray and then we search item 786 in the array then it will be found at index 4 using BinaraySearch() method.
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