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C# - BitArray.Xor() Method with Example
In this tutorial, we will learn about the C# BitArray.Xor() method with its definition, usage, syntax, and example.
By Nidhi Last updated : March 31, 2023
BitArray.Xor() Method
The BitArray.Xor() method is used to perform bitwise XOR operation between elements of two BitArray objects. The current BitArray object will be modified to store resultant elements.
BitArray BitArray.Xor(BitArray value);
- value: The array with which to perform the bitwise XOR operation.
Return Value
It returns resultant an array, which is a reference to the current BitArray object.
- System.ArgumentException
- System.ArgumentNullException
C# Example of BitArray.Xor() Method
The source code to perform the bitwise XOR operation between BitArray elements is given below. The given program is compiled and executed successfully.
using System;
using System.Collections;
class BitArrayEx {
//Entry point of Program
static public void Main() {
//Creation of BitArray objects
BitArray bitArr1 = new BitArray(5);
BitArray bitArr2 = new BitArray(5);
BitArray bitArr3;
int index = 0;
bitArr1[0] = true;
bitArr1[1] = false;
bitArr1[2] = true;
bitArr1[3] = false;
bitArr1[4] = true;
bitArr1[0] = false;
bitArr1[1] = true;
bitArr1[2] = false;
bitArr1[3] = false;
bitArr1[4] = true;
bitArr3 = bitArr1.Xor(bitArr2);
Console.WriteLine("Elements of BitArray after XOR Operation:");
for (index = 0; index < bitArr3.Length; index++) {
Console.WriteLine("\tIndex " + index + ": " + bitArr3.Get(index));
Elements of BitArray after XOR Operation:
Index 0: False
Index 1: True
Index 2: False
Index 3: False
Index 4: True
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