
.Net Terms Full Forms Aptitude Questions and Answers

This section contains Aptitude Questions and Answers on .Net related important terms full forms.

1) ASP stands for?
  1. Active Software Package
  2. Active Server Page
  3. Advance Software Package
  4. Active System Port

2) ADO stands for?
  1. ActiveX Data Object
  2. ActiveX Digital Observer
  3. Advanced Discovered Object
  4. Advance Data Object

3) IIS stands for?
  1. Internet Information Services
  2. Information Internet System
  3. Information Internet Support
  4. Internet Information Support

4) WCF stands for?
  1. Windows Common Forms
  2. Windows Communication Foundation
  3. Windows Cyclic Foundation
  4. Windows Common Forum

5) WPF stands for?
  1. Windows Picture Forum
  2. Windows Proper Foundation
  3. Windows Presentation Foundation
  4. Windows Presentation Form

6) What is the full form of DSN in database connectivity?
  1. Data Source Name
  2. Data Software Name
  3. Database System Naming
  4. Database Source Name

7) XML stands for?
  1. Extensible Mixed Language
  2. Extension Markup Language
  3. Extensible Markup Language
  4. Extensible Markup List

8) XAML stands for?
  1. Extensible Application Mixed Language
  2. Extension Application Markup Language
  3. Extensible Application Markup List
  4. Extensible Application Markup Language

9) API stands for?
  1. Active Program Instruction
  2. Application Programming Interface
  3. Advance Program Instruction
  4. Active Programming Installation

10) PCL stands for?
  1. Portable Class Libraries
  2. Portable Classical Linking
  3. Port Common Loader
  4. Portable ClassLoader

11) WF stands for?
  1. Windows Foundation
  2. Windows Workflow Foundation
  3. West Functionality
  4. Windows Wide Foundation

12) What is the full form of VS in VS2017 in .NET?
  1. Visual System
  2. Virtual System
  3. Virtual Software
  4. Visual Studio

13) IDE stands for?
  1. Integrated Development Environment
  2. International Development Environment
  3. Intercommunication Development Extension
  4. Interdependent Development Environment

14) WYSIWYG stands for?
  1. What You See Is What You Get
  2. Where You See Is What You Get
  3. When You See Is What You Get
  4. Whenever You See Is What You Get

15) HTML stands for?
  1. HyperText Minimum List
  2. HyperText Maximum List
  3. HyperText Markup Language
  4. HyperText Maximum Language

16) CSS stands for?
  1. Cascading Style Sheet
  2. Common Style Sheet
  3. Common Style System
  4. Cascading Software Style

17) COM stands for?
  1. Component Open Mode
  2. Component Object Model
  3. Common Open Mode
  4. Common Open Medium

18) DCOM stands for?
  1. Disconnected Component Open Mode
  2. Distributed Component Object Model
  3. Double Common Open Mode
  4. Distributed Common Open Medium

19) DDE stands for?
  1. Dynamic Data Exchange
  2. Digital Data Exchange
  3. Discover Digital Extension
  4. Dynamic Digital Extension

20) MVC stands for?
  1. Module Virtual Component
  2. Model Virtual Controller
  3. Model View Component
  4. Model View Controller

21) LINQ stands for?
  1. Language-Integrated Query
  2. List Integrated Quiz
  3. List Integrated Query
  4. Local Integrated Query

22) MVVM stands for?
  1. Mostly Viewed Virtual Model
  2. Model View Virtual Model
  3. Model View View Model
  4. Model View View Mode

23) TFS stands for?
  1. Time Foundation System
  2. Time Fixed Sever
  3. Team Foundation Server
  4. Team Foundation System

24) What is the full form of CLS?
  1. Common Light Scheme
  2. Common Language Specification
  3. Clear Language Speed
  4. Clean Language Specification

25) What is the full form of CTS?
  1. Common Type System
  2. Common Typical Specification
  3. Common Type Software
  4. Clean Type System

26) What is the full form of FCL?
  1. Framework Class Library
  2. Firmware Class Language
  3. Film Classical Library
  4. Framework Class Language

27) What is the full form of CLR?
  1. Common List Resources
  2. Committed Language Runtime
  3. Common Listed Runtimes
  4. Common Language Runtime

28) What is the full form of GAC?
  1. Global Assembly Cache
  2. Global Assessment Clone
  3. Genuine Assembly Cache
  4. Genuine Assembly Clone

29) What is the full form of CLI?
  1. Common Language Instructions
  2. Common Language Infrastructure
  3. Common Light Instructions
  4. Clear Language Infrastructure

30) JIT stands for?
  1. Just Instruction Trigger
  2. Just Immediate Trigger
  3. Just In Time
  4. Just Immediate Time

31) MSIL stands for?
  1. Microsoft Intermediate Language
  2. Microsoft Instruction Language
  3. Most Important Language
  4. Microsoft Important List

32) GC stands for in .NET Framework?
  1. Global Counter
  2. Genuine Collection
  3. Genuine Collector
  4. Garbage Collection

33) What is the full form of .PE file in .NET Framework?
  1. Post Enable file
  2. Portable Executable File
  3. Port Enabled file
  4. Post Enumerated file

34) What is the full form of UNICODE?
  1. Universal Code
  2. Unit Code
  3. Union Code
  4. Unique Code


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