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Initialization of structure in C#
In this article, we will learn about initialization of structure in C# programming. It contains structure initialization syntax, example.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on January 16, 2018
In C# we cannot directly assign value to the members of a structure within structure like:
struct Student
int roll_number = 101; //Error
string name = "Shaurya"; //Error
We cannot also use parameter less constructor to initialize member of structure. We can initialize member using parameter constructor.
using System;
using System.Collections;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
struct Student
public int roll_number;
public string name;
public Student( int x, string s)
roll_number = x;
name = s;
public void printValue()
Console.WriteLine("Roll Number: " + roll_number);
Console.WriteLine("Name: " + name);
class Program
static void Main()
Student S1 = new Student(101,"Shaurya Pratap Singh");
Student S2 = new Student(102,"Pandit Ram Sharma");
Roll Number: 101
Name: Shaurya Pratap Singh
Roll Number: 102
Name: Pandit Ram Sharma