
C# 'Enum' Class – Properties, Methods, Examples / Programs

In C# programming language, an Enum is a special class that represents the set of constant which are read-only variables. An Enum class provides the base class for enumerations.

This section contains the solved C# Enum Class Reference – Properties, Methods, Examples. Practice these programs to learn the concept of enumerations, these programs contain the solved code, outputs, and the detailed explanation of the statements, functions used in the C# Enum Class Reference – Properties, Methods, Examples.

List of C# Enum Class Reference – Properties, Methods, Examples

  1. C# program to demonstrate the Enum
  2. C# program to print the integer values of enum constants
  3. C# program to get the type-code of enum constants
  4. C# program to print the name of enum constant based on an integer value
  5. C# program to get the hash-code of enum constants
  6. C# program to demonstrate the use of CompareTo() method of Enum class
  7. C# program to demonstrate the use of Equals() method of Enum class
  8. C# program to demonstrate the use of Format() method of Enum class
  9. C# program to demonstrate the use of GetHashCode() method of Enum
  10. C# program to demonstrate the GetName() method of Enum class
  11. C# program to demonstrate the GetNames() method of Enum class
  12. C# program to demonstrate the GetType() method of Enum class
  13. C# program to demonstrate the GetTypeCode() method of Enum class
  14. C# program to demonstrate the GetUnderlyingType() method of Enum class
  15. C# program to demonstrate the GetValues() method of Enum class
  16. C# program to demonstrate the HasFlag() method of Enum class
  17. C# program to demonstrate the IsDefined() method of Enum class
  18. C# program to demonstrate the use of Parse() method of Enum class
  19. C# program to demonstrate the use of ToObject() method of Enum class

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