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C# Strings Aptitude Questions and Answers | Set 1
C# Strings Aptitude Questions | Set 1: This section contains aptitude questions and answers on C# Strings.
Submitted by Nidhi, on April 05, 2020
1) There are following statements are given below, which of them are correct about "String" in C#.NET?
- In C#.NET, we used the character array to represent a string just like C language.
- In C#.NET, String is mutable.
- A String is a predefined class in C#, which is used to create strings.
- We need to use the System.Array class to create a string.
- Only A
- Only D
- A and D
- Only C
Correct answer: 4
Only C
In the given statements, the C statement is correct about "String" in C#.
2) In C#, String is a value type?
- Yes
- No
Correct answer: 2
In C#.NET, String is a reference type.
3) If we have two references for strings like STR1 and STR2. And we want to compare them, and then what is the correct way?
- STR1 is STR2
- STR1 = STR2
- STR1 equal to STR2
- STR1.Equals(STR2)
Correct answer: 4
In C#.NET, Equals() method is used to compare two string.
4) What is the correct output of given code snippets?
static void Main(string[] args)
String s1 = "ABC";
string s2 = "ABC";
Console.WriteLine("S1 and S2 are equal");
Console.WriteLine("S1 and S2 are not equal");
- S1 and S2 are equal
- S1 and S2 are not equal
- Syntax Error
- Runtime Exception
Correct answer: 1
S1 and S2 are equal
The above code will print "S1 and S2 are equal" on the console screen.
Only B is the correct statement about given code snippets.
5) What is the correct output of given code snippets?
static void Main(string[] args)
String STR1 = "ABC";
String STR2;
String STR3;
STR2 = STR1;
STR3 = String.Copy(STR1);
Console.WriteLine(STR1 + " " + STR2 + " "+STR3);
- Syntax Error
- Runtime Exception
Correct answer: 2
In the above code, we are coping string, STR1 to STR2 and STR3, but copy string to another, Copy() method is more reliable compared to assignment.