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Convert Char Array to String in C#
C# | Convert char[] to string: Here, we are going to learn how to convert char array to string in C#?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 11, 2023
Given a character array and we have to convert it into a string.
char[] to string in C#
In C#, we can convert a character array to the string, for this – we can create a new string from the character array.
Syntax to Convert Char Array to String
string string_object = new string(character_array);
It accepts a character array as an arguments and creates new string.
Sample Input/Output
char[] char_arr = { 'H', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o'};
Creating string:
string str = new string(char_arr);
str = "Hello"
C# Example to Convert Char Array (char[]) to String
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Test {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
char[] char_arr = {'H','e','l','l','o'};
//converting char[] to string
string str = new string(char_arr);
//printing string
Console.WriteLine("str = " + str);
//hit ENTER to exit
str = Hello