
C# Data Types Aptitude Questions and Answers | Set 2

This section contains aptitude questions and answers on C# data types (set 2).

1) There are following options are given below, which of them does NOT store negative value?
  1. Long
  2. Short
  3. Byte
  4. Single
  5. Double

2) There are following options are given below, which of them is NOT Value Type?
  1. Integer type
  2. User define structure
  3. Enumeration
  4. Arrays

3) There are following options are given below, which of them is NOT an Integer Type?
  1. int
  2. char
  3. short
  4. long

4) There are following options are given below, which of them is NOT Reference Type?
  1. Built in Types (int, short, long, char, etc)
  2. Arrays
  3. Delegates
  4. Interfaces

5) How many bits of data can be store in an int variable?
  1. 32 bits
  2. 16 bits
  3. 8 bits
  4. 64 bits

6) Which statement is correct about integer type variables?
  1. Integer type variables cannot store floating point values.
  2. Integer type variables can store characters.
  3. Integer type variables are reference types.
  4. Integer type variables are not value types.

7) Which is the correct size of byte types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

8) Which is the correct size of short types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

9) Which is the correct size of sbyte types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

10) Which is the correct size of long types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

11) Which is the correct size of ulong types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

12) Which is the correct size of ushort types?
  1. 16 bits
  2. 8 bits
  3. 32 bits
  4. 64 bits

13) How many bytes of data can be store in a uint variable?
  1. 1 byte
  2. 2 byte
  3. 4 byte
  4. 8 byte

14) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of sbyte?
  1. System.Byte
  2. System.SByte
  3. System.SignByte
  4. System.SuperByte

15) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of byte?
  1. System.Byte
  2. System.SByte
  3. System.SignByte
  4. System.SuperByte

16) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of short?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.UInt16
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.Int64

17) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of ushort?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.UInt16
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.Int64

18) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of int?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.UInt16
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.Int64

19) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of uint?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.UInt16
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.UInt32

20) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of long?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.Int64
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.UInt64

21) Which is correct equivalent .NET type of ulong?
  1. System.Int16
  2. System.Int64
  3. System.Int32
  4. System.UInt64

22) Which is the correct range sbyte in C#?
  1. 0 to 255
  2. -128 to 127
  3. -120 to 119
  4. -127 to 126

23) Which is the correct range byte in C#?
  1. 0 to 255
  2. -128 to 127
  3. -120 to 119
  4. -127 to 126

24) Which is the correct range short in C#?
  1. 0 to 255
  2. -32,768 to 32,767
  3. 0 to 65,535
  4. -127 to 126

25) Which is the correct range ushort in C#?
  1. 0 to 255
  2. -32,768 to 32,767
  3. 0 to 65,535
  4. -127 to 126


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