What is the difference between Int32 and UInt32 in C#?

In this tutorial, we will learn about the difference between Int32 and UInt32 in C#. By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 04, 2023


In C#, Int32 known as a signed integer of 4 bytes which can store both types of values including negative and positive between the ranges of -2147483648 to +2147483647.


In C#, UInt32 known as an unsigned integer of 4 bytes which can store only positive values between the ranges of 0 to 4294967295.

Differences between Int32 and UInt32

In C#, both Int32 and UInt32 are used to specify 4 bytes of integer data. The main difference between Int32 and UInt32 is that Int32 specifies signed integer values from -2147483648 to +2147483647, while UInt32 specifies unsigned integer values from 0 to 4294967295.

Int32 UInt32
Int32 stands for signed integer. UInt32 stands for unsigned integer.
It's capacity to store the value is -2147483648 to +2147483647. It's capacity to store the value is 0 to 4294967295.
It can store negative and positive integers. It can store only positive integers.
It occupies 4-bytes space in the memory. It also occupies 4-bytes space in the memory.
Declaration syntax:
Int32 variable;
Declaration syntax:
UInt32 variable;

C# example to demonstrate the differences between Int32 and UInt32

In this example, to explain the differences between Int32 and UInt32 in C#, we are printing their minimum and maximum values, we are also declaring two arrays – arr1 is a signed integer type and arr2 is an unsigned integer type. Initializing the arrays with corresponding negative and positive values based on their capacity.

using System; using System.Text; namespace Test { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { //Int32 value range Console.WriteLine("Int32 value capacity..."); Console.WriteLine("Min: {0}, Max: {1}\n", Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue); //UInt32 value range Console.WriteLine("UInt32 value capacity..."); Console.WriteLine("Min: {0}, Max: {1}\n", UInt32.MinValue, UInt32.MaxValue); //Int32 array Int32[] arr1 = { -2147483648, 0, 12320009, 2147480000, 2147483647 }; Console.WriteLine("UInt32 array elements..."); foreach(Int32 num in arr1) { Console.WriteLine(num); } Console.WriteLine(); //UInt32 array UInt32[] arr2 = { 0, 100, 23000, 4294960000, 4294967295 }; Console.WriteLine("UInt32 array elements..."); foreach(UInt32 num in arr2) { Console.WriteLine(num); } //hit ENTER to exit Console.ReadLine(); } } }


Int32 value capacity...
Min: -2147483648, Max: 2147483647

UInt32 value capacity...
Min: 0, Max: 4294967295

UInt32 array elements...

UInt32 array elements...


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