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What is the full form of WFH?
Full form of WFH: Here, we are going to learn about the WFH, WFH – which is an abbreviation of From Home or Working From Home Email jargon, etc.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 1, 2024
WFH: Work From Home / Working From Home
WFH is an abbreviation of "Work From Home" or "Working From Home".
It is an expression, which is commonly used in messaging or chatting on social media networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, and Gmail, etc. It is written in the subject or body of the email or as a message to inform others that someone is working from home or has a job of work from home.
From Home / Working From Home (WFH) Examples/ Uses
Let us take example to make it easy to understand.
In an email, if it is written:
Ananya has a WFH job.
This shows that the sender is informing the receiver that the job of Ananya is Work From Home.
Example 2:
1. Person1: I work in an IT firm in Gurgaon and you?
2. Person2: I have WFH job.
3. Person1: Oh, that's great.
Example 3:
1. Person1: Hey, why didn't you come to office today?
2. Person2: I am Ill, so I am WFH.
3. Person1: Ok, take care and get well soon.
WFH as a Replacement for Work From Home or Working From Home
Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use WFH as a replacement for Work From Home or Working From Home.
So, in this way, the abbreviation WFH is used mostly on the social media platform.
While this slang is very common in social media platforms, mainly email messaging, still many are unaware of this slang.
In the corporate industry too, these slangs are common and used in a very large manner. The industry itself likes those employees who are smart enough and stay updated with such digital languages which are familiar, easy and are good at time management.
So, basically, to inform the other person regarding your job that is work from home or in the case due to a particular situation, you are working from home, you can use WFH instead of writing the whole sentence which is usually time-consuming.
WFH More Examples
- Many people are doing WFH job these days.
- I have WFH job.
- I want WFH job as I have a family to take care of.