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What is the full form UF?
Full form of UF: Here, we are going to learn about the UF, full form of UF, overview, applications, advantages, disadvantages, etc.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : March 30, 2024
UF: Ultrafiltration
UF is an abbreviation of Ultrafiltration. It is a kind of membrane filtration which is used in UF water purifiers. Through a hollow fiber threaded semi-permeable membrane, the water is made to proceed in this method. The huge eliminated particles and solutes are retained and water passes through the membrane. Before the water joins the water purifier, the UF happens before the RO filtration. On the RO membrane, it enlarges the life of the membrane and diminishes the load.

Image source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Flow-diagram-for-the-ultrafiltration-UF-treatment-system_fig1_49583063
Application of Ultrafiltration (UF)
In the preparation of drinking water or process water, UF is enormously appropriate as pre-treatment. It has exceptional properties for banishing suspended matter and bacteria. Additionally, UF is executed in many industries which are as follows,
- Dairy industry
- Food industry
- Metal industry (oil/water emulsion separation)
- Textile industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Chemicals industry
UF is also executed in,
- For nano-filtration of reverse osmosis as pre-treatment
- For applications comprising recycle of wastewater flows
With ultra-filtration or micro-filtration, a membrane bioreactor integrates biological purification.
Advantages of Ultrafiltration (UF)
- In UF, low operating pressure required which is higher than MF.
- The energy of consumption is lower in UF than nano-filtration or reverse osmosis.
- There are some requirements for manual actions.
- It is comparably cheap and not much expensive.
- Depending on the supply water and membrane alternative high-quality infuse yield.
- To a definite point, UF enables viruses, phage, colloids and macromolecules to be banished. By removing the bacteria, disinfection occurs.
- To operate, the UF Water Purifiers don’t need any power, and the UF Water Filters can operate with Normal pipe water pressure.
- Even cleaning the muddy or turbid water by the ultrafiltration purifiers and banishes all the germs, cysts, turbidity and dirt from the water by them which is not feasible in the UV water purifier.
Disadvantages of Ultrafiltration (UF)
- UF only banishes suspended matter and bacteria.
- UF is susceptible to oxidative chemicals such as nitric acid, sulphuric acid, peroxide, and persulphate in high concentrations.
- When trying to put a stop to hard and sharp particles that are greater than 0.1 mm, damage may happen.
- In UF, the damaging membrane at pressure is greater than 3 bar.
- The service life of UF membranes is 5-7 years, perhaps prolonged, but they will always need a recurrent substitution.
- Ahead of the UF, a bag filter or automated screen filter which is 100 – 300 microns should be used, to thwart huge particles from entering it.