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What is the full form of OK?
Full form of OK: Here, we are going to learn about the OK, full form of OK, history, usages, OK synonyms, etc.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : March 30, 2024
OK: Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect
OK is an abbreviation of Olla Kalla or Oll Korrect. It is also used to spell in some other ways such as "okay", "ok", or "O.K.". It is a word used to signify acceptance, agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. OK develop as Olla Kalla. It is a word of Greek whose meaning expressed as all correct. This word is mostly used in conversation in general when a person agrees with the other person in conversation. It is also used in text messaging, instant messaging and chatting, etc.
For example,
Person 2: Hi
Person 1: How are you?
Person 2: ok
Chat continues...
Person 1: I am going to the movie.
Person 2: ok
Person 1: Do you want to come as well!
Person 2: ok, I will come.
Person 1: ok, I'll wait for you then.
Chat end.
OK History
In the 1960s, Allen Walker Read, a Columbia University etymologist, cleared the ambiguity by tracing the term OK to 19th-century Boston and shared it with the journal American Speech. Throughout the 1838 summer, editors at Boston newspapers became affectionate of using abbreviations.
Essentially, the editor of the section shortened "all correct" as if it were spelled "oll korrect" In other cities which are New York, Philadelphia, and New Orleans, the acronym fad and the term "OK" traveled to newspapers.
There is perhaps some genuineness to this one general reason for "OK" which is that it comes from President Martin Van Buren's nickname "Old Kinderhook" according to Read, in taking a root it helped the term, whereas Van Buren's nickname isn't the source of the abbreviation "OK,". In 1840, a club started named OK Club, by the group of Van Buren supporters, probably trading on the recognition of the term "OK." The term displayed at all over the Van Buren campaign, in pamphlets, in newspapers, shouted at conventions. And as a result the proposition was that Martin Van Buren wasn't just an Old Kinderhook, he was also OK.
And for that reason, "OK" went from the pages of a Boston newspaper into the mouths of people around the world.
OK Synonyms
Synonyms of Ok are,
- all right
- right
- right then
- right you are
- very well
- yes
- very good
- fine
- agreed
- oke
- okey-dokey
- okey-doke
- roger
- righto
- righty-ho
- satisfactory
- all right
- fine
- in order
- acceptable
- up to scratch
- agree to
- approve