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What is the full form of MPEG?
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 20, 2024
MPEG is an abbreviation of Moving Picture Experts Group. It is a working group of authorities that is founded to establish standards for audio and video compression and transmission. The audio-video file formats are built up by MPEG, which are also known as MPEG files. This group of experts is created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It has delivered a variety of versions of the file (standards) namely MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-3, MPEG-4, MPEG-7, MPEG-21, etc.

Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mpeg_logo.svg
The standard of MPEG is an order of arrangement for compressed audio and video files. It is developed and designed for storing video on Digital Audio Tapes (DAT) and audio files on standard audio Compact Disc (CD). The MPEG file has ".mpeg" as a file extension. In the earlier period, the MPEG files requisites hardware decoder for storing and playback but in the present day, it needs software-only codecs.
MPEG History
- In January 1988, MPEG was founded by the proposal and assistance of Leonardo Chiariglione and Hiroshi Yasuda.
- In May 1988, its first meeting was held in Ottawa, Canada.
- Since, 1988, it has created a variety of standards that facilitated industry in providing users more pleasing and enjoyable digital media experience.
- More than the years, since its beginning of foundation, it has grown and developed into a full-fledged huge ISO working group.
Working of MPEG
- The data is compressed by the MPEG algorithm to small bits.
- These small bits can be effortlessly transmitted and decompressed and then the video is encoded through a method called Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT).
- The rate of compression is extremely soaring of MPEG as it stores only the changes that take place from one frame to another frame.
- MPEG does not store the entire frame that enables it to trim down the size of the complete file.
Following are the steps followed by MPEG commonly to develop, grow and establish a standard:
- Discover and categorize the requirements of a standard
- Bring together the requirements
- Call for proposals
- Evaluate and assess the proposals
- Technical development