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What is the full form of LCD?

Full form of LCD: Here, we are going to learn what does LCD stands for? LCD – which is an abbreviation of "Liquid Crystal Display" in Gadget Acronyms/Abbreviations, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on March 18, 2020

LCD: Liquid Crystal Display

LCD is an abbreviation of "Liquid Crystal Display".

It is a flat panel display or electronically modulated optical video display that uses the light modulating property of liquid crystals in the arrangement with polarizers. LCDs demonstrate the erratic images and permanent images both. Erratic images are the common purpose computer display images and the permanent images are used in digital clocks and calculators etc.

LCDs are typically used in an extensive range of applications, comprising LCD televisions, computer monitors, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, and indoor and outdoor signage. Small LCD screens are regular in portable consumer devices such as digital cameras, watches, calculators, and mobile telephones, comprising smartphones. LCD screens are also used on consumer electronics products such as DVD players, video game devices and clocks. It has substituted the previous Cathode Rays Tubes (CRTs) and diminishes the power utilization.

LCD screens are highly energy proficient and they can be discarded more safely than CRT. It is at all times ideal to use in battery-powered equipment due to its energy effectiveness.

LCD full form

Image source: https://www.pjrc.com/teensy/td_libs_GLCD.html

LCD Working

  • It works on the fundamental idea of color emission of liquid crystals.
  • In 1888, Liquid crystals were discovered.
  • LCD is an electronically modulated optical device made up of sections packed with liquid crystals.
  • LCDs used liquid crystals and polarized light to display the images.
  • When the electric current applied to LCD TVs, there is a huge bright light that shines in the direction of the viewer. It generates millions of pixels that produce images.
  • LCDs offer enhanced clarity and effectiveness than CRTs.

LCD is used in devices, comprises:

  • Televisions
  • Calculators
  • Digital clocks
  • Computers
  • Laptops
  • Gaming Devices
  • Mobile Phones
  • Smart Phones etc.


  • It has no geometric distortion.
  • Slight heat emitted during processing, due to small power utilization.
  • It emits just about no unwanted electromagnetic radiation which is in the high low-frequency range, not like a CRT monitor.
  • It can be made in large sizes of over 80-inch (2 m) diagonal.


  • It display movement blur on moving objects caused by slow response times (>8 ms) and eye-tracking on a sample-and-hold display, if not a strobing backlight is used.
  • Loss of contrast in high temperature environments.
  • The Black levels in LCDs may not be as dark as essential because individual liquid crystals cannot entirely obstruct all of the backlight from passing through.

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