What is the full form of IATA?

Full form of IATA: Here, we are going to learn about the IATA, full form of IATA, overview, history, head office, objective of IATA, etc. By Anushree Goswami Last updated : April 4, 2024

IATA: International Air Transport Association

IATA is an abbreviation of the International Air Transport Association. It is a trade private group of the world’s airlines that supports and encourages mutual aid among the world's listed airlines to make sure protected, secure, consistent, trustworthy and economical air services, in other words, it provides consulting facilities to the industry of airlines.

Associated Airlines IATA

The number of airlines that are associated with the International Air Transport Association is around 290, which is just about roughly 82% of the overall available seat miles air traffic. The services or facilities offered by IATA comprise fleet and sales planning, cargo security, capacity management, airport operations management, aviation security, airspace planning, etc. Also, it provides profits management and costing, accounting, billing, financing, and currency approval and authorization services.

IATA full form

Image source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Air_Transport_Association

IATA Head Office

Its head office is situated in Montreal, Canada. It has its administrative and supervisory offices in Geneva Switzerland.

IATA History

  • In April 1945, IATA has created in Havana Cuba. At The Hague in 1919, the International Air Traffic Association was created which afterward in 1945 replaced by International Air Transport Association.
  • In the beginning, IATA has 57 airlines from 31 countries but at present, there are nearly about 290 airlines that are allied with it from 117 countries.
  • "The World Aviation Cartel" was the label through which IATA has been known.
  • IATA has the benefit of protection from antitrust law in quite a lot of nations.
    In 1947, the first Traffic Conference was held in Rio de Janeiro and arrived at a common agreement on several 400 resolutions.

Objective of IATA

The three most significant objective of IATA which is given in the following points are,

  • Safety: Safety is a major concern of IATA. It offers a safety tool called IATA Operation Safety Audit (IOSA). It is also permitted and authorized at the state level by quite a lot of countries. Aviation placed its safest year ever in 2017, by going beyond the prior record set in 2012. In 2014, IATA established a particular section of the board to track aircraft in flight in real-time.
  • Security: After the calamity of 9/11, security is an extremely significant subject matter. Consequently, IATA follows a set of policies and regulations to make sure a secure environment.
  • Simplifying the Business: In 2004, this agenda was introduced by IATA. This scheme was launched to assist and make ease for the passengers, comprising electronic tickets, barcoded boarding pass, fast travel initiative, and many other things.

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