What is Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool?

Here, we are going to learn about the Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool, its history, accomplishment of DART.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on January 29, 2021

Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool

Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool is a machine intelligence-based program, which is used by the military of the United States to organize and make the most effective use of the shipping of material goods or workforce and effectively deal with other related to organizational and planning based issues and complications.

DART put together the organized structure of intelligent data processing agents and database management systems to provide an individual, who controls the facility to quickly assess plans in case of utility and possibility related to organization and planning.


  • In July 1990, Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool were presented to the military for inspection, before making it commonly available by BBN Systems and Technologies and the ISX Corporation together with the United States Air Force Rome Laboratory.
  • In 1991, the Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool, a machine intelligence-based program was launched.
  • By 1995, it had counterbalance the financial counterpart of the entire funds that for the preceding time duration of 30 years, DARPA had directed into the program of research in machine intelligence, collectively.

Accomplishment of DART

The accomplishment of DART guided the path towards the growth and advancement of other military planning agents, which comprise:

  • RDA: It is an abbreviation of the Resource Description and Access system.
  • DRPI: It is a knowledge based planning and scheduling proposal, which succeeds DART next-in-line.

Reference: Dynamic Analysis and Replanning Tool

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