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What is Denial of Service (DOS)?
Denial of Service (DOS): Here, we are going to learn about the Denial of Service, its history, Types of DOS.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on January 30, 2021
DOS: Denial of Service
DOS is an abbreviation of "Denial of Service". It is a cyber-attack, which is done by the criminal perpetrator's, who attempt to create a condition for a system or resource of the network to be in a state of unavailability to its anticipated users by overflowing with redundant requests to the system or resource of the network, which is under the attack, with the purpose to overload that system and put a stop to a number of all the genuine requests that are in the process of completion. High-status, prestigious web servers, which comprises banks or credit card payment gateways come most of the time under the DOS attacks of Criminal perpetrators.
- On 6th September, 1996, Panix was one of the foremost sites, which was subjected to a first SYN flood DOS attack. It is the third-oldest ISP in the world.
Types of DOS
DOS is classified into three types, which comprises:
- Distributed DOS: A distributed denial-of-service (DDOS) attack is done by criminal perpetrators through numerous redundant requests to overflow the bandwidth of a resource of network or the system, which is under attack. Generally, a lot of web servers come under attack.
- Application layer DOS: An application layer DDOS attack, which is occasionally introduced as a layer 7 DDoS attack, is done by criminal perpetrators by targeting the application-layer processes through the overflow of numerous redundant requests.
- Advanced persistent DOS: An advanced persistent DOS (APDOS) attack is done by criminal perpetrators through advanced persistent threatening risk, which also comprises the needs of expert-based DDOS mitigation.
Reference: Denial-of-service attack
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