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What is the full form of DACL?
Full form of DACL: Here, we are going to learn what does DACL stands for? DACL – which is an abbreviation of "Discretionary Access Control List" in Computer Acronyms/Abbreviations, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on November 07, 2020
DACL: Discretionary Access Control List
DACL is an abbreviation of the "Discretionary Access Control List". It is an access control list, which is internally put together with an object in Active Directory, states and provides details about the users and groups, which got reassigned by the owner (subject) or an owner group to access the object by following some access authorization policy guidelines. The access authorization policy guidelines provide details about the functions and operations, the user or a group can carry out or implement on the object.
In Windows 2000 and Windows NT, an access control list is internally put together to a file or folder on an occupied proportion, which is formatted by the use of the NT File System that has an analogous working system.
DACL Working
In the process of working of DACL,
- It provides the details of the list of users and groups, which are authorized to access the given object under the access authorization policy guidelines that also states the levels of access they got assigned.
- The levels of access that can be assigned to an object according to the access authorization policy guidelines, is determined by the category of object, which is under contemplation.
- A record list of access control entries (ACEs) is given for a specific object in the DACL, which is valid to a class of objects, an object, or a feature of an object.
- Every entry in the record list of access control entries (ACEs), describes the details of a particular security identifier (SID) of the security principal according to the access authorization policy guidelines, in addition to the level of access to the object allowed in case of the security principal.
Reference: Discretionary access control
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