What is CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association)?

CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association): Here, we are going to learn what is CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Association)? Its history, certifications, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on September 19, 2020

CompTIA: Computing Technology Industry Association

CompTIA is an abbreviation of the "Computing Technology Industry Association". It is an international nonprofit industry trade group, which offers specialized certifications for the information technology (IT) industry. In 1982, it was founded and known as the Association of Better Computer Dealers (ABCD). At present, CompTIA globally consists of more than 100,000 members and it already provided certifications to 2.2 million people around the world from the time it introduced, till now.

CompTIA History

  • In 1982, CompTIA was founded and at that time initially, it was known as the Association of Better Computer Dealers (ABCD), which afterward changed and turned out to be the Computing Technology Industry Association.
  • In 2015, CompTIA's membership expanded from 2,050 members to more than 50,000.
  • Till 2016, the association achieved more than 100,000 members around the world.
  • In January 2017, CompTIA introduced an IT expert based association, which was established on its possession of the Association of Information Technology Professionals.


  • The concepts that come under the fundamental IT certifications provided by CompTIA are introductory IT theory ideas and models, fundamental IT literacy, and terms and abstract ideas in the field of IT.
  • The fundamental IT certifications include the Cloud Essentials certification.
  • It also provides specialized expert standard-based certifications, some of which comprises:
    1. A+
    2. Cloud+
    3. Network+
    4. Project+
    5. Security+
  • It also provides the Master level standard-based certification, which is known as the "Advanced Security Practitioner certification" (CASP).

Reference: CompTIA

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'C'


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