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What is the full form of COBOL?
Full form of COBOL: Here, we are going to learn what does COBOL stands for? COBOL – which is an abbreviation of "Common Business-Oriented Language" in Computer Acronyms/Abbreviations, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on August 31, 2020
COBOL: Common Business-Oriented Language
COBOL is an abbreviation of "Common Business-Oriented Language". It is a computer programming language designed and developed for the purpose of application in Businesses. The language is structured, based on the concepts of objects and makes use of the statements through which modification occurs in the state of the program. It is largely used in the sector of trade industry, economics, and organizational structures designed for corporations, businesses, and governments.
COBOL History
- In 1959, COBOL was developed by CODASYL. The fundamental basis of the language was dependent on the programming language FLOW-MATIC to some degree of extent, which was designed by Grace Hoppe.
- In the ending period of 1962, IBM declared the business-oriented language "COBOL", their most significant development language.
- Globally by 1970, COBOL had turned out to be the most broadly used programming language.
- In 1974, ANSI prepared and issued a modified version of COBOL, which included original features such as file organizations, the “DELETE “statement, and the segmentation component.
- In 1997, the evaluation of the overall 200 billion lines of COBOL, in reality, was found by Gartner Group, which controls and administers 80% of every trade and commerce based company programs.
COBOL Data Types
- Alphabetic: The sample declaration is PIC A (30), which possibly will only include letters or spaces.
- Alphanumeric: The sample declaration is PIC X (30), which possibly will include any characters.
- Boolean: Sample declaration is PIC 1 USAGE BIT, which stores data in the format of 0s and 1s, as a binary number.
- Index: The sample declaration is USAGE INDEX, which is used to mention about table elements.
- National: The sample declaration is PIC N (30), which uses an extensive character set.
- Numeric: The sample declaration is PIC 9(5) V9 (5), which possibly will include only numbers.
- Object: Sample declaration is USAGE OBJECT REFERENCE, which possibly will mention about either an object or NULL.
- Pointer: The sample declaration is USAGE POINTER.
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