What is the full form of CMA?

Full form of CMA: Here, we are going to learn what does CMA stands for? CMA – which is an abbreviation of "Computer Misuse Act" in Computer Acronyms/Abbreviations, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on August 18, 2020

CMA: Computer Misuse Act

CMA is an abbreviation of the "Computer Misuse Act". It is an act of the highest deliberative assembly of the United Kingdom, which was formally introduced in 1990. It has been used as a basis for similar legislation all over the world to cover up the computer-based crime.

The Computer Misuse Act 1990

Unauthorized access to computer material

  1. It should be verified and confirmed that the access of suspects was not authorized in the knowledge of the suspect.
  2. The utmost punishment is 12 months of imprisonment or two years (indictment) and/or a fine.

Unauthorized access with intent to commit or facilitate the commission of further offences

  1. It should be verified and confirmed that the suspect has conducted the hacking to opt for a number of other additional criminal acts.
  2. The utmost punishment is 12 months of imprisonment on summary offense or five years (indictment) and/or a fine.

Unauthorized acts with intent to impair, or with lack of responsibility as to damaging, operation of a computer

  1. The act comes under this section is impair to systems of computer or data, which comprise Denial of Service (DoS) attacks.
  2. The utmost punishment is 12 months of imprisonment on summary offense or 10 years (indictment) and/or a fine.

Unauthorized acts causing a risk of consequential impair

  1. This section's motive is to look after the welfare of the human being, Critical infrastructures of the United Kingdom, national security, and the economy, which specifically in connection with the cyber-physical systems.
  2. The utmost punishment is 14 years of imprisonment or a life sentence in the situation of impair to the welfare of human beings and/or a fine.

Amendment in Computer Misuse Act 1990

  • In 2006, the CMA was amended by Part 5 of the Police and Justice Act.
  • In 2015, the CMA was amended by Part 2 of the Serious Crime Act.

Reference: Computer Misuse Act 1990

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