What is CDP (Content delivery Platform)?

Full form of CDP: Here, we are going to learn what does CDP stands for? CDP – which is an abbreviation of "Content delivery Platform" in Computer Acronyms/Abbreviations, etc.
Submitted by Anushree Goswami, on August 01, 2020

CDP: Content delivery Platform

CDP is an abbreviation of the "Content Delivery Platform". It is a "software as a service" based content distribution platform through the method of delivery by making the use of embedded software code. It gathers content from the sources which subsist, from organized data or from unorganized records, procedures and convert these content to change them into their more refined version, which can be more enhanced and valuable as a practical data. The more refined, more enhanced, and valuable as a practical data version made available to applications, courses, and procedures in a highly contextual and customized manner.

Basic proficiencies

  • CDP places and sets a strong, system of analytics, so that it can get information from searches and the communication exchanges with users, evaluate and study the utilization of content so that it can customize or make distinctive search results and builds up the dynamic content suggestion.
  • CDPs strongly designed a database for content collection, gives out content rapidly in a safe and protective manner, which levels up its range in each and every aspect to deal effectively with an indefinite amount of content and raise in traffic.
  • CDP takes any variety form of content, which can be either structured or unstructured content.
  • CDP contains well-built and secure management of metadata with the capability to take out metadata from content, to modify and revise metadata in a manner to make it reliable and constant all over the resources.


  • All over the enterprise, the Content Delivery Platform forms a particular access spot in one position to combine all the details and information, which is essential to unravel particular business evolving situations and tasks.
  • The rules and regulations of safety and protection are put down in an application by CDP, which are attuned with the wide-ranging delivery conditions and with the detailed account of the users, managed and governed in a fundamental way.
  • CDP enables distribution and broadcasting with the help of a variety of channels.
  • CDP cause to be in a state of unfailing constant manner to content configuration arrangements and metadata.

Reference: Content delivery platform

Algo tagged in: Dictionary – 'C'


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