CABG: Full Form, Purpose, General Symptoms, Complications, and Charges

By Anushree Goswami Last updated : December 9, 2023

CABG: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft

CABG is an abbreviation of "Coronary Artery Bypass Graft". It is a surgery-based process for curing rigorous coronary heart disease in which blood flow to the heart muscles is suspended due to an obstruction. Accordingly, it is essentially carried out to make the blood flow to the heart and in this manner decrease the probability of a heart attack.

The reason behind the CABG is when a waxy substance (plaque) is put together within the coronary arteries which provide oxygenated blood to the heart. As time passes, the plaque or waxy substance may turn out to be settled and contract the arteries and therefore can suspend the flow of oxygenated blood to the heart. It generally results in chest pain called angina.

More about CABG

  • In CABG, a new path is formed around the blocked artery so that blood can be sent to the heart muscle all the way through this path.
  • In this process, a section of vein from some other division of an individual's body is used to avoid and get around the blocked portion of the coronary artery.
  • Typically, a vigorous section of vein from the leg or a section of artery in the chest or wrist is confiscated and then put together with the influenced coronary artery just above and below the blocked region of the artery to avoid the blockage.

Purpose of CABG

  • To reinstate blood flow to the heart muscles
  • To decrease chest pain and ischemia
  • To advance eminence of life
  • To diminish the possibility of heart attack

General Symptoms of CABG

  • Chest pain
  • Severe Tiredness
  • Palpitations
  • Abnormal heart rhythms
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swollen hands or feet
  • Indigestion

Complications of CABG

  • Hypothermia ( low body temperature)
  • Bradycardia (slow heart rate)
  • Tachydysrhythmias (abnormal cardiac rhythm)
  • Cardiac failure
  • Fluid overload
  • Acute renal failure
  • Hepatic failure

CABG Charges

  • According to the CDC, in 2013, the standard cost of hospitalization (only) linked with a coronary bypass operation in the United States was $38,707, for an aggregate hospitalization cost of $6.4 billion.
  • The International Federation of Healthcare Planshas calculated approximately the standard cost of hospitalization and physician fees for a coronary bypass operation in a variety of countries as given in the following table.
Country Cost
United States $75,345
Australia $42,130
New Zealand $40,368
Switzerland $36,509
Argentina $16,492
Spain $16,247
Netherlands $15,742
India $1,583

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