BCG: Full Form, Its Working, Complications, Precautions, Care, and Reasons

By Anushree Goswami Last updated : December 9, 2023

BCG: Bacillus Calmette-Guerin

BCG is an abbreviation of "Bacillus Calmette-Guerin". It is a vaccine that mainly makes available protection in opposition to tuberculosis; it facilitates to put together immunity in opposition to tuberculosis. The vaccine was developed by, Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin, two French bacteriologists.

In 1921, it was first used by Dr Weil-Hale for the cure of a child who had tuberculosis. In the next three years, till 1924, around 320 infants were vaccinated with BCG.


More about BCG Vaccine

The vaccine is provided to children and individuals, who are at advanced risk rising tuberculosis such as:

  • People living in the TB-affected sections of the world
  • Children having one or more parents affected with TB
  • Children born in the TB-affected countries.

It is also provided to natives suffering from bladder tumors or bladder cancer.

Working of BCG Vaccine

  • BCG vaccine is an undermined strain of Mycobacterium bovis which is a category of bacteria that cause TB.
  • This vaccine when directed and governed in the body kindles the immune system in comeback to the bacteria devoid of essentially causing the disease.
  • The antibodies stay in the body and guard in opposition to future infections with identical bacteria.
  • Therefore, the BCG vaccine facilitates our body to manufacture antibodies in opposition to the bacteria of TB that offer immunity in opposition to tuberculosis.

BCG Complications

The vaccine can cause complications in a number of individuals. It comprises individuals who:

  • Have had TB before
  • Have an HIV infection
  • Have a positive Mantoux (skin) test
  • Have frail immune systems due to a fundamental condition or other medicines, and pregnant women.

BCG Precautions and Care

  • The vaccine must be taken subsequent to consulting the doctor.
  • Maintain the vaccination area hygienic and dry for around 24 hours.
  • Use a dry dressing with gauze if the vaccination area begins to slowly trickle.
  • If necessary, a sterile alcohol swab can be used to clean the area.
  • Don't apply antiseptic cream, ointment, etc.

Reasons for BCG

Some feasible reasons for the changeable effectiveness of BCG in different countries have been projected and anticipated.

The reasons for changeable effectiveness have been talked about at length in a World Health Organization (WHO) document on BCG.

  • Genetic variation in BCG strains
  • Genetic variation in populations
  • Interference by nontuberculous mycobacteria
  • Interference by concurrent parasitic infection

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