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What is the full form of ADBB?
Full form of ADBB: Here, we are going to learn about the ADBB, ADBB – which is an abbreviation of All Done Bye Bye in Email jargon, etc.
By Anushree Goswami Last updated : March 31, 2024
ADBB: All Done Bye Bye
ADBB is an abbreviation to All Done Bye Bye.
Whenever a person wants to convey his message to another person, they use some sort of short-form in the text messages. ADBB is one of the messages. Like if a person is done with his work and now he wants to go back from the work, he says to the other person All Done Bye Bye. Now it is little time taking if one needs to type the whole message. So the abbreviation to All Done Bye Bye, i.e., ADBB is used in its place.
All Done Bye Bye (ADBB) Examples
Let us take an example of Text Messaging.
Morris: Hey Ela, are you done with your work?
Ela: Yes Morris, I am done with my work.
Morris: So, what’s your plan now?
Ela: Now I am going to home after work.
Morris: Ok then, bye.
Ela: ADBB (All Done Bye Bye)
ADBB can't just be used in text messages, but also in email texting as well. Not only for the unofficial but official work too.
Let us take an example of Email Messaging.
Morris: Ela, Kindly reply when you are done with your work.
Ela: Ok Morris, I will leave for the airport after I am done with my work.
Morris: Sure, no problem.
Ela (after completing her work): ADBB (All Done Bye Bye).
So in this way, the abbreviation ADBB is used.
ADBB Instead of All Done Bye Bye
While chatting with your friends or in the company work, either in personal life or professional life, this term is widely used. Although many people don't know much about it and so uses its full form but these abbreviations help us save time and make important communications easily.
In the corporate world too, these slangs help to communicate with your team members easily as these are popular among the individuals.