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C#.Net find output programs (Operators) | set 2
Find the output of C#.Net programs | Operators | Set 2: Enhance the knowledge of C#.Net Operators concepts by solving and finding the output of some C#.Net programs.
Submitted by Nidhi, on February 05, 2021
Question 1:
using System;
namespace Demo
class Program
//Entry point of the program
static void Main(string[] args)
float A = 3.14F;
double B = 3.14;
int RES = 0;
RES = (A == B);
main.cs(15,20): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type `bool' to `int'
The above program will generate syntax error because the relational operator returns boolean values in C#. Here, we used relation operator (==) to check equality.
RES = (A == B);
In the above expression, RES is an integer variable, and here we assigned a boolean value to RES, then it will generate an error.
Question 2:
using System;
namespace Demo
class Program
//Entry point of the program
static void Main(string[] args)
float A = 3.14F;
double B = 3.14;
(A == B) ? Console.WriteLine("Hello") : Console.WriteLine("Hiiii");
main.cs(13,22): error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await,
and new object expressions can be used as a statement
The above program will generate syntax error, because "conditional operator" required LVALUE for assignment and return type of WriteLine() method is void also.
Question 3:
using System;
namespace Demo
class Program
//Entry point of the program
static void Main(string[] args)
float A = 3.14F;
double B = 3.14;
int ret = 0;
ret = (A == B) ? 1 :0;
Press any key to continue . . .
In the above program, we created three variables A, B, and ret that are initialized with "3.14F", "3.14", and 0 respectively. Here, data type of A is float and data type of B is double then (A==B) condition will false and 0 assigned to variable ret. So finally "0" will print on the console screen.
Question 4:
using System;
namespace Demo
class Program
//Entry point of the program
static void Main(string[] args)
float A = 3.14F;
double B = 3.14;
int ret = 0;
ret = (A == (float)B) ? sizeof(int)==sizeof(float)?10:20:30;
Press any key to continue . . .
The above program will print 10 on the console screen. In the above program, we created three variables A, B, and ret that are initialized with "3.14F", "3.14", and 0 respectively.
Let's evaluate the conditional operator,
ret = (A == (float)B) ? sizeof(int)==sizeof(float)?10:20:30;
Here, we typecast B into float type, then (A == (float)B) condition will true then we check below condition,
The size of int and float is 4 then this condition will true and 10 is assigned to the variable ret.
Then the final value of ret will be printed on the console screen.
Question 5:
using System;
namespace Demo
class Program
//Entry point of the program
static void Main(string[] args)
bool ret = false;
int a=0;
double pi = 3.14;
ret = (a=20)&&(Math.PI==pi);
main.cs(14,19): error CS0019: Operator `&&' cannot be applied
to operands of type `int' and `bool'
The above program will generate syntax error because in the below expression, we used assignment operator "=" instead of "equal to" operator "==", that why 20 is assigned to the variable "a", and we know that we cannot apply "&&" operator between int and bool operands.
ret = (a=20)&&(Math.PI==pi);