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C++ program to find first occurrence of a Number Using Recursion in an array
Here, we are implementing a C++ program, that will be used to find the first occurrence of a number in an array.
Submitted by Indrajeet Das, on December 09, 2018
Given an array of length N and an integer x, you need to find and return the first index of integer x present in the array. Return -1 if it is not present in the array. First index means, the index of first occurrence of x in the input array. Do this recursively. Indexing in the array starts from 0.
Input Format:
- Line 1 : An Integer N i.e. size of array
- Line 2 : N integers which are elements of the array, separated by spaces
- Line 3 : Integer x
Output Format: first index or -1
Constraints: 1 <= N <= 10^3
9 8 10 8
Here, we have to find the first occurrence of x. Therefore in this example the first occurrence of 8 happens in index 1, and hence the output is 1.
Step 1: To solve this using recursion, make a recursion function with inputs, and a variable currIndex to traverse the input array.
Step 2: Base Case: If currIndex == size of the input array, return -1, i.e element not found.
Step 3: If x == input[currIndex], then return currIndex.
Step 4: else return the next call of recursive function with currIndex incremented.
C++ Source Code/Function:
using namespace std;
int firstIndex(int input[], int size, int x, int currIndex){
return -1;
if(input[currIndex] == x){
return currIndex;
return firstIndex(input,size,x,currIndex+1);
int main(){
int input[] = {9,8,10,8};
int x = 8;
int size = 4;
return 0;