Submit Code Snippet

Hi Guest,

IncludeHelp welcomes you and appreciate your decision. Let’s work together to provide a better solutions for programmers, your implemented solution can help them to solve their problem and enhance/upgrade their technical knowledge.

Are you read?


Thanks, but Sorry! We have little gaudiness to collect a better code, please read

  • You can submit code on following technologies
    • Android
    • Java (Basic and Advanced both)
    • C/C++
    • HTML/CSS
    • JavaScript, jQuery
    • SQL, MySQL, SQL Server, Oracle
    • .Net Technologies (,, VB.Net)
    • Anything else that contains programming code
  • Description of the code (for example: C - Check Even and Odd Number using Preprocessor Parameterized Macro in C Language.)
  • As we told you earlier, we only provide better and quality solution, so please write purpose of the code, explanation within 100 to 300 words.
  • Output should be submitted.
  • Comment code statement, where needed.

How to submit?

Create two files, first document file (.docx, pdf or other format that can be open easily) and second code file - that will contain source code.

Document file - In this file write Title, Purpose, your Name, Your online profile (may be your blog, website or social media profile URL), Description about the code (100 to 300 words), output of the code.

Code file - This file will contain source code onlt.

Send us mail on info [at] includehelp [dot] com with subject "Code Snippet to submit" attaching both file.


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