Code Snippets
VB.Net - Get ASCII Value of a Character.
IncludeHelp VB.Net 14 OCT 2016
In this VB.Net code we will learn how to get ASCII value of any character in VB.Net?
In this example there is a form with textbox and button control, character will be entered in textbox and will print ASCII value in message box on button click event.
To convert character into its equivalent ASCII value Convert.ToByte() can be used.
Convert.ToByte(character): This function will return ASCII Value of given character.
VB.Net Code - Get ASCII value of any character
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim charValue As Char
'getting single character from textbox
charValue = CChar(TextBox1.Text.Trim)
'getting byte as ascii value of the character
Dim asciiValue As Integer
asciiValue = Convert.ToByte(charValue)
'printing value
MsgBox("ASCII value is: " & asciiValue)
End Sub
End Class