Code Snippets
C/C++ Code Snippets
C++ program to access public data member inside main using object name.
By: IncludeHelp, On 07 OCT 2016
In this program we will learn how to access public data member/ public variable of class inside main function using object name?
In this example we are defining a class named sample which has a public data member/ public variable int x which is going to be access inside the main function using sample class’s object objSample.
C++ program (Code Snippet) – Accessing public data member (Variable) inside main function using Object Name
Let’s consider the following example:
/*C++ program to access public data member
inside main using object name*/
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Sample{
int x;
int main(){
Sample objSample;
cout<<"value of x: "<<objSample.x<<endl;
return 0;
value of x: 20