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C program to shift entered data four bits to the left.
By: IncludeHelp, On 04 NOV 2016
In this c program we will learn how we can shift four bits of entered data to the left using left shift operator in c programming language?
Here, we are reading an integer number and shifting four bits of the number to the left; data before and after shifting is printing in both format decimal and hexadecimal.
C program - four bits shifting to left of entered data
Let’s consider the following program
/*C program to shift entered data four bits to the left*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int data;
printf("Enter value of data: ");
printf("Entered value is %d (decimal), %x (hex)\n",data,data);
/*shifting 4 bites left*/
printf("After shifting value is %d (decimal), %x (hex)\n",data,data);
return 0;
Entered value is 512 (decimal), 200 (hex)
After shifting value is 8192 (decimal), 2000 (hex)