Code Snippets
C/C++ Code Snippets
C program to print ASCII values using while loop.
By: IncludeHelp, On 17 OCT 2016
In this program we will learn how to print ASCII value along with the characters using while loop in c programming language?
Here we will print ASCII value along with the related characters from 32 to 127 using while loop, we will assign 32 to loop counter and run a loop until value will not be 127.
C program (Code Snippet) - Print ASCII of all characters using while loop
Let’s consider the following example:
/*c program to print ascii values using while loop*/
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
unsigned char ch;
ch=32; //start with 32 (space)
printf("%c [%03d] ",ch,ch);
return 0;
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