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C program to extract bytes from a long integer hexadecimal number
By: IncludeHelp On 08 DEC 2016
Here, we will learn how to extract bytes from a long integer number (or convert hexadecimal long integer value into byte array)?
In this program we are taking a long integer hexadecimal number of 8 bytes and converting it into byte array i.e. extracting bytes (one- one byte hexadecimal values) from long integer hexadecimal number.
Extract bytes from long int hexadecimal number in c language
//Extracted bytes from long int hexadecimal values
#include <stdio.h>
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
int main()
int i,j;
long int hexValue=0x1122334455667788;
BYTE byteVal[8];
for(j=0,i=7; i>=0; i--,j++){
byteVal[j]= (hexValue>>(i*8))&0xff;
printf("Hexadecimal bytes are:\n");
printf("%02X ",byteVal[j]);
return 0;
Hexadecimal bytes are:
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88