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C typedef programs
Example of typedef in C language
Here, we will learn how to use typedef to provide name to a data type? Here, we are defining name for an int, a char and a float.
By IncludeHelp Last updated : March 10, 2024
What is typedef?
typedef is a keyword in C programming language, it is used to define a name to the data type, for example, if you want to define "I" for an int variable, or "UC" for unsigned char etc.
typedef name datatype_name;
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int I;
typedef char C;
typedef float F;
int main()
I intVar = 10;
C charVar = 'X';
F floatVar = 10.23f;
printf("intVar = %d\n",intVar);
printf("charVar = %c\n",charVar);
printf("floatVar = %f\n",floatVar);
return 0;
intVar = 10
charVar = X
floatVar = 10.230000
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