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Define a Macro to set Nth bit to Zero in C
Here, we will learn how to set Nth bit of a number/PIN to Zero in C programming language by using Macro?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : March 10, 2024
Macro definition
#define SETPIN(PIN,N) (PIN &= ~(1<<N))
- SETPIN is the Macro name
- PIN is the value whose bit to set to zero
- N is the bit number
#include <stdio.h>
#define SETPIN(PIN,N) (PIN &= ~(1<<N))
int main(){
unsigned char val = 0xFF;
unsigned char bit = 2;
printf("val = %X\n",val);
//SET bit number 2 to zero
printf("Aftre setting bit %d to zero, val = %X\n", bit, val);
return 0;
val = FF
Aftre setting bit 2 to zero, val = FB
- In this example, initially the value of val is 0xFF that is "1111 1111" in binary.
- To set bit number 2 (i.e. third bit) to zero, when we call macro SETPIN(val, bit), the bit number 2 will set to 0. Thus, the output will be "1111 1011" i.e. 0xFB in Hexadecimal.
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