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C program to calculate total elapsed time by program/function
In this program, we are going to learn how to calculate the total elapsed time by a function/program i.e., the time taken to process the set of statements, complete function or complete program in C programming language?
Below is the C code to calculate total elapsed time by a program or function:
// C program to calculate total elapsed time
// by program/ function.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
int main()
time_t prg_begin, prg_end;
char str[100];
prg_begin = clock();
printf("Enter any string :");
printf("Entered value is :%s\n", str);
prg_end = clock();
printf("%f seconds taken by this program...", (double)(prg_end - prg_begin) / (double)CLK_TCK);
return 0;
Enter any string :www.includehelp.com
Entered value is :www.includehelp.com
4.865000 seconds taken by this program...
- clock() : Returns number of clock ticks since program start.
- clock_t : Type returned by clock() function.
- CLK_TCK : Number of ticks in a second.
To determine the time in seconds, divide the value returned by clock by the value of the macro CLK_TCK. You can also use CLOCKS_PER_SEC instead of CLK_TCK.
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