Some important workplace behaviors

Learn about some of the important workplace behaviors.
Submitted by Mehak Aggarwal, on January 23, 2023

An employee's workplace behavior determines their entire experience in a company. Positive behavior results in higher performance and productivity of an individual, as well as the entire team. To be an irreplaceable employee, it is vital to behave more efficiently and professionally. It is not that hard to showcase good workplace behaviors, because the basic contributing factors are everyday behavioral patterns that you might anyway follow in your day-to-day lives.

Employee behavior in a workplace is how the individual behavior at work and with their colleagues. This depends on the kind of profession and is more formal at different levels. How an individual behaves in a professional environment with colleagues and bosses is different from how he/she behaves in the outside world with friends and family. Some actions that are acceptable outside of the workplace may be deemed unacceptable inside the office.

In this article, we will talk about some workplace behaviors that can leave a positive impact on your colleagues and management. This will also help in your professional growth and help you present yourself better.

Important workplace behaviors

1) Be a team player

It is true that in today's competitive world, we see others as a threat. However, when you are part of a team, it is important to showcase a sense of teamwork that will impact the performance of the entire team. It is a boon to work alongside people who communicate well. You should praise your colleagues publicly and give them credit where it is due. Along with this, you should also support each other instead of trying to show each other up. This will encourage your colleagues to come together and work as a well-functioning team. Without teamwork, a company cannot reach great heights of success. Always be a good team player.

2) Be Confident

Confidence is the key to success. Those who lack confidence have a tough time showcasing good work, leading them to be uncertain about their job and thus causing their performance to suffer. An employer expects their employees to feel good about their work and themselves. If you are confident in who you are as a person, your confidence will reflect in the work you do for the company. Also, the employer relies more on confident employees. They would trust you to handle greater responsibilities if you can show them you can handle whatever comes your way. An underconfident employee will be scared of taking on tasks and challenges that are alien to him. Similarly, he or she will also be scared to take up responsibilities. This is not appreciated by any employer.

3) Be Adaptable

Adaptability is a quality that is very essential for any employee to have. An employee's ability to adapt to any situation can help them to respond well to the ever-changing demands and requirements of the company. This is always appreciated by the organization. If you are adaptable, you will be able to take on new challenges and perform efficiently. If you lack adaptability, it will not just impact your performance as an individual, but also the entire team. This too is an extremely important quality for an individual to have. If you want to be an asset to the organization, you should be up and ready to deal with whatever comes your way and give your best no matter how hard the situation might be.

4) Be Dependable

Having people who are dependable is very important to any organization. A dependable employee does not need constant supervision and can be made in-charge of confidential data and sensitive issues. This is a quality that most employers look for in an employee. With dependable employees, the employer can rest assured that no work will be left unfinished and that the company will run smoothly and efficiently. When you are reliable, you are prone to getting better projects and opportunities. If you are looking to have a long-term career, you will want to grow at every step of the way. This quality also helps when you move from one organization to another, because this quality is appreciated and needed by employers all over the world.

5) Be Humble

Being humble is appreciated in all walks of life. Whether you are in a professional workplace or sitting with friends, no one appreciates a boastful person. Everyone loves to take credit, but very few are willing to accept and learn from their mistakes. Humble employees are readily acknowledged by a company for their willingness to learn and change. This gives them instant recognition. When an employee takes accountability for his or her actions, it is a very refreshing change for the company. Humility is also about giving credit to others wherever it is due. If you try to hog the limelight, you will be perceived as selfish and self-centred. This would also impact how others see you and leave a negative impression.

6) The ability to solve problems

It is very easy to identify and state a problem, but it is more challenging to find a solution to the problem at hand. This is also a leadership skill, that will take the company to the next level. When the employees are good at problem-solving, the company progresses differently. You will also be seen as someone dependable, and are not easily shaken by tough challenges. Your colleagues would also look up to you as someone who comes through in a crisis. To be a problem solver, you need to be a quick thinker and quick on your feet. At the end of the day, you should look at the larger picture, ie the success of the company as a whole instead of being selfish and thinking about your individual growth. Remember, you will only succeed if the company you are working for succeeds.

7) Be a good communicator

Good communication can save a lot of time and effort for all parties involved. Poor communication can create issues and can cause you to go around in circles and have long explanations. Time is extremely precious in a workspace, so it is important to communicate efficiently and save your time and other people's time. Good communicators are often encouraged to deal with a client's requests or handle client criticisms. The employer will have faith that you will be able to handle any issue smoothly and add value to the company. You will also be involved more in different activities, allowing you to grow. This leaves a great impression in the minds of everyone working with you.

8) Be a good listener and observer

Talking all the time and not listening is a sign of weakness. This projects you as know, extremely proud, and high-headed. Listen carefully to everything that is being told, and don't ask too many questions. Of course, you want to do something wrong so there is no harm in asking questions, but know when to stop. If you listen attentively to what is being communicated, you will be able to act upon it better. This helps be valuable, by understanding the situation and doing what is needed. Observing is also an important factor. You should keep your eyes and ears open at all times. This will help you better analyze what is going on around you and help you contribute more.

9) Be proactive, and initiate

The difference between a good employee and a great employee is that great employees initiate better solutions. They are proactive, make good recommendations, and are always willing to help questions. In case of doubt, they do not shy away from asking questions to give better results. The suggestions given by such employees help in the betterment of the company. Proactive employees are also ready to take on new challenges and are not scared to take on tasks that are new to them. Their willingness to learn makes them a great asset to the company.

10) Be self motivated, and motivate others

Good workplace behavior is to be a motivation for everyone around you. Such employees don't look for constant attention or motivation from others. They in themselves are the motivating and driving factor that is needed in any team or organization. If they lose their way, they find their source of motivation to push themselves. If they see their colleagues lagging, they do not feel self-satisfied, and instead, try to motivate others. All organizations look for employees with such character traits, because at the end of the day, you are hired to add value to the company. Everyone needs a bit of motivation now and then. If you are constantly demotivated, you will spread the same energy to everyone around you. This will bring a lot of negativity to the workspace.

11) Be a fast learner and quick thinker

You should do your research well, and have ample knowledge about the company, the way it functions, how it deals with its clients, who are the top clients, and what is the workplace culture. In a time of need, this knowledge comes in handy. If you possess this kind of knowledge, you can put it to solve many problems if the need does arise. Always be willing to learn new things, no matter how hard it might seem in the beginning. No one is expected to know everything all the time, but you will be appreciated more if you are open to learn. Also, be quick on your feet and come up with answers and solutions. If you do not contribute, you will be perceived as a deadweight who cannot add value to the company.

12) Be Organised

How you organize your time and work is extremely crucial in a workplace. This sets the tone for your day and how much work you are able to do, as well as the quality of the work you deliver. An organized employee can get the task done in one hour, whereas an unorganized employee may take two hours to finish the same task. A good employee recognizes what needs to be done and tidily finishes the work. Keep a check on all the meetings and projects that require your attention, and do not miss any of the tasks. If you are unorganized, there is a high possibility that you might miss out on delivering some important project or miss a meeting. This is a strict no-no in any workplace.

13) Be Brave

Another good workplace behavior is being brave. Brave employees are not easily intimated by challenging tasks and are brave enough to take a leap of faith. They take risks, but only calculated risks. They are not afraid to speak their mind, ask questions, or challenge any nonsense activities that go about in an organization. Such employees are often the ones that play on the front foot and get noticed more. If you get noticed, you will have an upper hand over all the employees that are working in your organization in the same department. Of course, it is important to stand out from the crowd. If you don't take risks, you are likely to be stuck in the same place for a long time. What do you have that others don't, and why do you deserve more recognition? Bravery is not as hard as people make it out to be.

14) Be visibly passionate

You took that job because you were interested in that job profile. You were interested in being a part of that particular company, and thus you put your heart and soul into cracking the interview and getting that job. Now that you have secured the job, show that you deserve it. Show that you are passionate about what you are doing. Passionate people are often a joy to be around. They ooze positivity and an 'I can do it' attitude. You don't have to blindly follow any order that is given, and it is okay to ask questions. You should ask questions in a way that encourages discussion and is not open to criticism. Positivity is appreciated by your employers and colleagues. Everyone works better in a positive space and with positive people.

15) Manage stress well

A lot of personal and professional factors in an individual's everyday life can be a contributing factor to stress. Stress greatly impacts an individual's and the overall performance of the team. This is where stress management comes into play. Stress management is a skill that everyone needs to master in today's time. If there is some issue in an employee's personal life, his or her work is bound to get affected. Similarly, if the employee is going through stressful times at work, his or her personal life will get impacted. Good workplace behavior includes how you manage stress and how you project yourself. If you master stress management, you will be able to deliver your work more efficiently and prove to be an asset to the company.

Final Thoughts

Good behavioral skills play a crucial role in career growth, as well as personality development. It helps you become a better leader and helps in increasing career growth. This boosts your employability, by making you an ideal candidate for the career of your choice. If you want to be different from others around you, you need to reflect certain patterns that are different from others. If you try to blend in and try to be invisible, you won't be able to achieve what you are expecting.

Good employees and leaders are able to identify and appreciate such workplace behaviors. These are the people that contribute the most to any organization and are willing to invest their time and energy toward the success of the company. If you adopt these behavioral skills, you will be on your way to be an irreplaceable employee. Remember that when you are a part of an organization, you are not just trying to show that you are better than everyone else. You want to be able to show that you care about the organization and the people working for it as much as you care about yourself. When you reflect on positive workplace behaviors, you are opening doors to an extremely bright future.


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