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Class 9 CBSE
Multimedia Technology: Images, Videos, Audio, Animation
In this tutorial, we are going to learn about the various multimedia technologies such as images, videos, audio, animation, etc.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on August 12, 2020
1) Images
An image can be defined as a visual representation of something. A digital image can be created and stores in electronic form. A digital image is formed with pixels; technically an image comprises a grid of dots called pixels. This grid is a combination of rows and columns made up of pixels. The size of the images measured in inches or centimeter which depends on the device resolution in which image suppose to display. The resolution is typically estimated in DPI (Dots per Inch).
An image is stored as a file on a computer. It means, there are different image file formats which are known as image extension like JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, etc
Types of images
a) JPEG (or JPG) - Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEGs may be the most widely common type of image which runs on the web and more likely used in organizations, project work. JPEG image files are bitmap images that can store information as 24-bit color. JPEGs are known for their "lossy" compression, implying that the image quality decreases when its size got reduces.
b) PNG - Portable Network Graphics
PNGs are good for interactive files, for example, web pages. PNG is the widest image format that supports web browsers. PNG supports data that relies on 8, 24, 32, and 48 bits. An 8 bit PNG image is similar to the GIF image. PNG images are most appropriate than JPEG and GIF. However, PNG images are not appropriate to take the print. PNGs are "lossless" in nature it means ones it alters, its quality doesn't highly affect.
c) GIF - Graphics Interchange Format
GIFs are the most suitable images for animated form, which are extremely popular on Tumblr pages and in standard banner ads. Due to its compact size feature, this image format is popular on the internet. It is appropriate for small icons and simple diagrams. GIFs support up to 256 colors in the RGB colorspace. Due to limited colors, the file size can be reduced.
d) TIFF- Tagged Image File
A TIFF image file format was developed during the 1980s and then later supported by Microsoft. TIFF image formats most widely support bitmap format. TIFF is a larger raster file that doesn't lose quality. This file is well known for utilizing a lossless compression feature which means the original images information can be kept during copy, re-save, or compress the original file.
2) Audio
Audio is sound in the acoustic range accessible to people. An audio recurrence (AF) is an electrical alternate current ranging in 20 to 20,000 hertz (cycles every second) that can be used to deliver acoustic sound.
In computers, audio is a sound system that integrated with computers or can be added separately with computers. An audio card contains an inherent processor and memory for processing audio files and then sends to speakers connected with computers. An audio file is a document to record sound that can be played back whenever required.
Sound is a grouping of analog signals which converts to digital signals by the audio card, through a microchip called ADC (analog-to-digital converter). For instance, when sound is played, the digital signals are sent to the speakers where they are converts to analog signals that produce differed sound.
There are different types of audio files. Some most widely used and popular audio files are Waveform Audio (.wav), MPEG-1 or 2 Audio Layer 3 (.mp3), Windows Media Audio (.wma), and Advanced Audio Coding (.aac).
3) Video
Video is a visual media which have audio visual information. Video is a type of moving visual multimedia resource, for example moving images, movies. Normal types of video content incorporate video blogs, energized GIFs, live videos.
The video sends a signal to a screen and processes the request wherein the screen displays the contents. Videos have audio elements that relate to the images being shown on to the screen.
4) Animation
The animation is a way to the process of designing, drawing, effective designs, and innovative photographic sequence which is incorporated in the multimedia and gaming products. Animation includes illusive pictures to produce the innovative movement of images. An individual who makes animations is called animator. Animators use different technologies to capture pictures and afterward to animate these in the desired sequence.
Types of Animations
a) 2D Animation
Vector-Based - the vector-based 2D animation is like conventional animation. However, this type of animation is made through computer programs, for example, Flash. Animator uses this process has the choice of not drawing each frame independently.
b) 3D Animation
3D animation requires a set of technical skills. This method is basically similar to demonstrating the movement of a puppet on screen, rather than indicating movement through frames.