
MCQ | Emerging Trends in Software Engineering

Software Engineering | Emerging Trends MCQ: This section contains the multiple-choice questions on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering.
Submitted by IncludeHelp, on September 15, 2021

Emerging Trends in Software Engineering MCQs

Here you will find the MCQs on emerging trends in software engineering. The MCQs will enhance the learning and knowledge base with respect to emerging trends in software engineering in Software Engineering.

Q1. "Soft trends" have a significant impact on the overall direction of software engineering.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


"Soft trends" have a substantial impact on the general direction of software engineering, and they are important to recognize. Other research- and technology-oriented trends, on the other hand, continue to be significant.

Q2. Technology trends occur when ___ are extrapolated to meet industry needs and are shaped by market-driven demand.

  1. System trends
  2. Research trends
  3. Both A and B
  4. None of the mentioned above

Answer: B) Research trends


National financing programs that rally around specific strategic aims, as well as sheer technical interest, are all driving forces behind research trends, according to the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. It is when research patterns are extrapolated to meet industry needs that technology trends are formed, and they are created by market-driven demand.

Q3. Some trends in IT sector are universal.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


While there are certain universal tendencies in each of these disciplines, some of them have as much to do with sociology, anthropology, group psychology, and organizational behavior as they do with academic or industrial research.

Q4. Connectivity and collaboration has already led to ____.

  1. Software teams
  2. Software testing
  3. Software engineering
  4. None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Software teams


As a result of increased connectivity and collaboration (facilitated by high-bandwidth communication), software teams are no longer required to work together in the same physical area.

Q5. Globalization leads to a diverse workforce.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


Globalization results in a more diversified workforce in terms of language, culture, problem-solving methods, management philosophy, communication priorities, and face-to-face interaction. This, in turn, necessitates the adoption of a flexible organizational structure. The response of separate engineering teams (in different countries) to engineering difficulties must be tailored to their specific requirements while maintaining a level of uniformity that permits the broader global project to progress.

Q6. Software engineering must respond with an overarching process model for "distributed teams".

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


It is necessary for software engineering to respond with an overall process model for "distributed teams" that is both agile and disciplined enough to handle dispersed groups while meeting the demands of immediacy.

Q7. Different teams (in different countries) must respond to ____ in a way that best accommodates their unique needs.

  1. Engineering problems
  2. Engineering system
  3. Engineering integration
  4. None of the mentioned above

Answer: A) Engineering problems


The response of separate engineering teams (in different nations) to engineering difficulties must be tailored to their specific requirements while maintaining a level of uniformity that permits the broader global project to progress. This style of organization is characterized by fewer levels of administration and a higher emphasis on decision-making at the team level.

Q8. Amongst which of the following is / are relates with managing complexity,

  1. Consider the interfaces for a billion LOC system, Consider the project itself
  2. Consider the number of people, consider the engineering challenge
  3. Consider the challenge of quality assurance
  4. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


Modern computer-based systems with tens of millions to hundreds of millions of lines of code are not unusual. Over 1 billion LOC systems will begin to appear in the relatively near future, indicating that they are feasible. To manage complexity, consider the interfaces for a billion LOC systems, consider the project itself, consider the number of people, consider the engineering challenge and consider the challenge of quality assurance.

Q9. Amongst which of the following is / are the model-driven approaches to the representation of system requirements and design,

  1. Multifunctionality, reactivity and timeliness, new modes of user interaction
  2. Complex architectures, heterogeneous, distributed systems
  3. Criticality, maintenance variability
  4. All of the mentioned above

Answer: D) All of the mentioned above


It is essential that the software engineering community creates innovative model-driven approaches to the representation of system requirements and design, taking into consideration the following characteristics: multifunctionality, reactivity and timeliness, new modes of user interaction, complex architectures, heterogeneous, distributed systems, criticality, and maintenance variability.

Q10. Model-driven software development couples’ domain-specific modeling languages with transformation engines.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: A) True


Model-driven software development is a technique that combines domain-specific modeling languages with transformation engines and generators in a way that makes it easier to describe abstraction at higher levels of abstraction and then transform it into lower levels of abstraction.


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