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Assembly Language and Assembler

Learn: What is Assembly language, what is the Assembler, why it used in Computer programming?

In my past posts, you must have already learnt about computer programming language and their types.

In this chapter, we are going to learn about the Assembly language and Assembler.

What is Assembly?

Assembly is a low level computer programming language that does not have system independency. It uses some special symbols for the operations; these symbols are known as Mnemonics.

Mnemonics are used to write a machine instruction/opcode (operation code).

Assembly language programs are easier than Machine code as they use some special symbols rather than Binary codes (in 0’s and 1’s form) but these programs are not as easy as High Level languages.

Some of the Assembly language symbols (Mnemonics)

ADD - To add two values
SUB - To subtract two values
MOV - To move the value (assign the value)


An Assembler is a system software/ utility program, which is used to translate an Assembly language program to its equivalent Machine Code.

It generates an object code (also called Machine code) by translating/converting the set of symbols (Mnemonics) and values.




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