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Threading in C Language with Linux (using GCC Complier)
Threading in C
In this chapter, you will learn about C Language Threading with GCC Linux with theory, syntax and examples.
Threads/ Processes are the mechanism by which you can run multiple code segments at a time, threads appear to run concurrently; the kernel schedules them asynchronously, interrupting each thread from time to time to give others chance to execute.
Identifying a Thread
Each thread identified by an ID, which is known as Thread ID. Thread ID is quite different from Process ID. A Thread ID is unique in the current process, while a Process ID is unique across the system.
Thread ID is represented by type pthread_t
Header file(s)
The header file which needs to be included to access thread functions
#include <pthread.h>
Creating a Thread ( pthread_create )
pthread_create is the function of
pthread.h header file, which is used to create a thread. The syntax and parameters details are given as follows:
int pthread_create(pthread_t *thread, const pthread_attr_t *attr,
void *(*start_routine) (void *), void *arg);
pthread_t *thread
It is the pointer to a pthread_t variable which is used to store thread id of new created thread.
const pthread_attr_t *attr
It is the pointer to a thread attribute object which is used to set thread attributes, NULL can be used to create a thread with default arguments.
void *(*start_routine) (void *)
It is the pointer to a thread function; this function contains the code segment which is executed by the thread.
void *arg
It is the thread functions argument of the type void*, you can pass what is necessary for the function using this parameter.
int (return type)
If thread created successfully, return value will be 0 (Zero) otherwise pthread_create will return an error number of type integer.
Example of Threading in C Language
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
/*thread function definition*/
void* threadFunction(void* args)
printf("I am threadFunction.\n");
int main()
/*creating thread id*/
pthread_t id;
int ret;
/*creating thread*/
printf("Thread created successfully.\n");
printf("Thread not created.\n");
return 0; /*return from main*/
printf("I am main function.\n");
return 0;
How to compile & execute thread program?
To compile
$ gcc <file-name.c> -o <output-file-name> -lpthread
To run
$ ./<output-file-name>
If file name is main.c while output file name is main
To compile
$ gcc main.c -o main -lpthread
To run
$ ./main
Thread created successfully.
I am threadFunction.
I am threadFunction.
I am threadFunction.
I am threadFunction.
I am threadFunction.
I am main function.
I am main function.
I am main function.
I am main function.
I am main function.
I am threadFunction.
… and so on.