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typedef Example with structure in C
Here, we are going to learn how to declare a structure with typedef i.e. how to define an alias to the structure in C programming language?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : March 10, 2024
The structure is a user-defined data type, where we declare multiple types of variables inside a unit that can be accessed through the unit and that unit is known as "structure".
Simple structure declaration syntax
struct structure_name{
As we know that – to access the structure members, we need an object of the structure – that is known as a structure variable.
Structure variable declaration of simple structure declaration Syntax:
struct structure_name structure_variable;
Simple structure declaration Example:
//normal structure declaration
struct student_str
char name[30];
int age;
Structure variable declaration of simple structure declaration Example:
//declare structure variable for student_str
struct student_str std;
Structure typedef
By using typedef keyword, we can define an alias of the structure.
Structure declaration with typedef Syntax:
typedef struct{
Structure variable declaration with typedef Syntax:
structure_tag structure_name;
Note: There is no need to use struct keyword while declaring its variable.
Structure declaration with typedef Example
//structur declaration with typedef
typedef struct {
char name[30];
int age;
Structure declaration with typedef Example:
//declare structure variable for employee_str
employee_str emp;
Structure program/example with typedef in C
Here, we have two structures student_str and employee_str. student_str is declared by using normal (simple) way, while employee_str is declared by using typedef keyword.
C program for typedef Example with structure
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
//normal structure declaration
struct student_str
char name[30];
int age;
//structur declaration with typedef
typedef struct {
char name[30];
int age;
//main code
int main()
//declare structure variable for student_str
struct student_str std;
//declare structure variable for employee_str
employee_str emp;
//assign values to std
strcpy(std.name, "Amit Shukla");
std.age = 21;
//assign values to emp
strcpy(emp.name, "Abhishek Jain");
emp.age = 27;
//print std and emp structure
printf("Student detail:\n");
printf("Name: %s\n",std.name);
printf("Age: %d\n",std.age);
printf("Employee detail:\n");
printf("Name: %s\n",emp.name);
printf("Age: %d\n",emp.age);
return 0;
Student detail:
Name: Amit Shukla
Age: 21
Employee detail:
Name: Abhishek Jain
Age: 27
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