Computer Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers

By IncludeHelp Last updated : August 13, 2023

Computer Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers: Computer science is all about the study of computers and computational systems. These questions and helpful for learning, practicing, and enhancing your general knowledge of computer science. For the various competition exams and interview purposes you can go through these computer science GK questions.

Here, you will find the top 170+ Computer Science GK Questions. These questions are helpful for students and professionals who are studying in any class having computer science in the syllabus, college sources like BCA, B.Tech, B.E., MCA, other computer science-related courses, and all competitive/government exams like Civil Services Exam, CDS, UPSC, NDA, CAT, CLAT, SSC CGL, NEET, GATE, SBI PO, BITSAT, XAT, IBPS PO, SSC GD Constable Exam, SSC CHSL, SSC Stenographer, IBPS RRB, SSC MTS, IBPS SO, and many more.

List of Computer Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers

Below are a set of more than 170 GK questions on computer science with their answers and explanation.

1. How many Bits make one Byte?

  1. 16 bits
  2. 32 bits
  3. 64 bits
  4. 8 bits

Answer & Explanation Discuss

2. Google is a Browser or a Search Engine?

  1. Browser
  2. Search Engine
  3. Both Browser and Search Engine
  4. Neither Browser nor Search Engine

Answer & Explanation Discuss

3. Printer is an example of which types of device, Output or Input?

  1. Input
  2. Output
  3. Storage
  4. None of the above mentioned

Answer & Explanation Discuss

4. What is the full form of RAM?

  1. Random Access Memory
  2. Read And Memory
  3. Random All Memory
  4. None of the above mentioned

Answer & Explanation Discuss

5. Who is the founder of Facebook?

  1. Andrew Maclin
  2. Mark Adon
  3. Mark Zuckerberg
  4. None of the above mentioned

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6. Which electronic component was used in the first generation of computers?

  1. Vaccum tubes
  2. Red tubes
  3. Abacus
  4. Transistors

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7. All mathematical and logical functions in the computer are done by?

  1. Central Processing Unit
  2. Arithmetic and Logical Unit
  3. Control Unit
  4. Memory Unit

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8. Attempts made by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity are called?

  1. Phishing scams
  2. Information stealing
  3. Network congestion
  4. None of the above mentioned

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9. Who was the programmer of the MS-DOS operating system?

  1. Tim Paterson
  2. Andrew N.
  3. Bill Gates
  4. Dennis Ritchie

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10. The first program that runs on a computer when the computer boots up is?

  1. Software Program
  2. Operating System
  3. Utilities
  4. None of the above mentioned

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11. Cache and main memory will lose their contents when the power is off because?

  1. They are volatile
  2. They are nonvolatile
  3. They are progressive
  4. None of the above mentioned

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12. What is the full form of VIRUS?

  1. Vital Information Rest Under System
  2. Vital Information Rest Under Siege
  3. Virtual Information Resources Under Siege
  4. Vital Information Resources Under Siege

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13. The process of transferring files from the Internet to your computer is called?

  1. Downloading
  2. Uploading
  3. Storing
  4. All of the above

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14. The process of transferring files from your computer to the Internet is called?

  1. Downloading
  2. Uploading
  3. Storing
  4. All of the above

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15. Buying and selling products and services over the Internet is called?

  1. E-Computer
  2. F-Commerce
  3. E-Commerce
  4. None of the above

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16. 1 Kilobyte is equal to how many bytes?

  1. 1024 bytes
  2. 512 bytes
  3. 256 bytes
  4. 128 bytes

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17. Who is called the Father of the Computer?

  1. Andrew N.
  2. Dinnis Ritchie
  3. Mark Zuckerberg
  4. Charles Babbage

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18. Who invented the first mechanical calculator?

  1. Abraham Sturn
  2. Blaise Pascal
  3. Riochee
  4. None of the above mentioned

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19. When you purchase a product over a Mobile Phone, the transaction is called?

  1. E-Commerce
  2. G-Commerce
  3. M-Commerce
  4. F-Commerce

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20. Keyboard, Mouse, and Joystick are examples of Output devices or Input Devices?

  1. Output devices
  2. Input devices
  3. Storage devices
  4. None of the above mentioned

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21. An address given to a computer connected to a network is called?

  1. Local address
  2. Localhost
  3. Network address
  4. IP address

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22. What is the name of the software that allows us to browse through web pages called?

  1. Webpage
  2. Website
  3. Browser
  4. Search engine

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23. Who is the founder of Oracle Corporation?

  1. Lawrence J. Ellison
  2. Andrew N.
  3. Marc Anderson
  4. None of the above mentioned

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24. Which technology is used in a CDROM Drive?

  1. Glass
  2. Hybrid
  3. Optical
  4. All of the above

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25. A program that translates High-Level Language to a Machine Level Language is called?

  1. Compiler
  2. Interpreter
  3. Assembler
  4. Operating system

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26. The process to find an error in a software code is called?

  1. Debugging
  2. Compiling
  3. Error
  4. None of the above

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27. What contains specific rules and words that express the logical steps of an algorithm?

  1. Semantic
  2. No method
  3. Syntax
  4. Comment

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28. Data that is copied from an application is stored in?

  1. Hard Disk
  2. Clipboard
  3. RAM
  4. CD

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29. The simultaneous execution of two or more instructions is called?

  1. Multiprocessing
  2. Multiprogramming
  3. Multithreading
  4. Hybridthreading

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30. Amongst which of the following can understand the difference between Data and programs?

  1. Micro engine
  2. Micro program
  3. Micro storage
  4. Microprocessor

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31. Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a ____.

  1. Network
  2. Bluetooth
  3. WiFi
  4. MAN

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32. Excel spreadsheet, Powerpoint, and Word processing are examples of which type of software?

  1. Application software
  2. System software
  3. Utility program
  4. Firmware

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33. How many MB (Megabyte) makes one GB (Gigabyte)?

  1. 1024 MB
  2. 1000 MB
  3. 512 MB
  4. None of the above mentioned

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34. Data that has been organized or presented in a meaningful way is called?

  1. Data
  2. Files
  3. Information
  4. Instructions

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35. In the binary language each letter of the alphabet, each number, and each special character is made up of a unique combination of?

  1. 32 bits
  2. 16 bits
  3. 8 bits
  4. 128 buts

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36. Windows operating system 'Windows 8' is the product of which American company?

  1. Oracle
  2. Microsoft
  3. IBM
  4. Apple

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37. The term 'Pentium' is related to?

  1. Microprocessor
  2. CMOS
  3. Motherboard
  4. OS

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38. C, Java, PHP, and C++ are examples of?

  1. Software types
  2. Firmware
  3. Programming languages
  4. Programming translators

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39. What is the shortcut key for printing a document in Windows?

  1. Ctrl + P
  2. SHIFT + P
  3. ALT + P
  4. CTRL + SHIFT + P

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40. A Website's main page is called?

  1. Middle Page
  2. Index Page
  3. Blog
  4. Home Page

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41. Where does most of the processing in a computer take place?

  1. CPU
  2. Memory
  3. Hard drive
  4. Motherboard

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42. In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals?

  1. Hybrid computer
  2. Analog computer
  3. Digital computer
  4. None of the above

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43. What is the scientific name of the computer?

  1. Homo silicium
  2. Homo digitalis
  3. Homo computatrix
  4. Silico sapiens

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44. What is the name of the display feature that highlights are of the screen which requires operator attention?

  1. High contrast
  2. Reverse video
  3. Blinking text
  4. Pop up notification

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45. What is the term for computers that integrate both measuring and counting functionalities?

  1. Analog computer
  2. Digital computer
  3. Hybrid computer
  4. Mainframe computer

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46. What translates and executes the program at run-time line by line?

  1. Interpreter
  2. Compiler
  3. Assembler
  4. Executor

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47. Who is the father of personal computer?

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Steve Jobs
  3. Alan Turing
  4. Ed Robert

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48. Who developed the first electronic computer?

  1. John Presper Eckert
  2. John Mauchly
  3. Charles Babbage
  4. Both A and B

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49. Which programming languages are classified as low-level languages?

  1. Machine language
  2. C language
  3. Assembly language
  4. Python

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50. Which was the first web browser?

  1. World Wide Web
  2. Mosaic
  3. Lynx
  4. Netscape Navigator

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51. What does IBM stand for?

  1. International Business Machines
  2. Integrated Business Modules
  3. Internet Business Management
  4. Information and Business Management

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52. What technology is used to connect widely distributed office LANs on a large scale within a corporation?

  1. Local Area Network (LAN)
  2. Wide Area Network (WAN)
  3. Bluetooth
  4. Virtual Private Network

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53. To move a copy of the file from one computer to another over a communication channel is called?

  1. Data Exchange
  2. Communication Sharing
  3. File Transfer
  4. Network Switching

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54. What do large transaction processing systems in automated organizations use?

  1. Batch Processing
  2. Database Management System
  3. Text Editor
  4. Graphic User Interface

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55. What does MICR stand for?

  1. Magnified Image Character Recognition
  2. Multilingual Image Coding and Recognition
  3. Machine Input Code Reader
  4. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

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56. How many characters are there in ASCII?

  1. 1024
  2. 128
  3. 256
  4. 512

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57. What does MSIC stand for?

  1. Microscopic Silicon Integrated Chips
  2. Miniature System Interface Controller
  3. Multifunctional Signal Interface Converter
  4. Medium Scale Integrated Circuits

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58. What term describes the action of code scrambling?

  1. Encryption
  2. Obfuscation
  3. Segmentation
  4. Aggregation

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59. Which method was employed to program the earliest computers?

  1. Punch cards
  2. Machine language
  3. High-level language
  4. Voice commands

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60. What term is used to describe a computer program issue that causes it to function improperly?

  1. Bug
  2. Error
  3. Virus
  4. Glitch

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61. Which button makes alphabets/letters in uppercase and lowercase and numbers to symbols?

  1. Control button
  2. Caps lock button
  3. Shift button
  4. Alt button

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62. Upon powering on a computer, the booting process undertakes which essential sequence of actions?

  1. BIOS/UEFI Initialization
  2. Power-On Self-Test (POST)
  3. Bootloader Activation
  4. Kernel Initialization

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63. Unit of measurement of the output quality of a printer?

  1. Pixels per inch
  2. Megapixels
  3. Lines per inch
  4. Dot per sq inch

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64. In fifth-generation computers, the primary switching device utilized is?

  1. Vacuum tubes
  2. Relays
  3. Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
  4. Diodes

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65. The unit KIPS is used to measure the speed of?

  1. Processors
  2. Computer Instruction Execution
  3. Internet Connection
  4. Sound Waves

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66. What is a joystick primarily in computers used?

  1. Word Processing
  2. Navigating Web Pages
  3. Spreadsheets
  4. Gaming

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67. In 1999, the Melissa virus was widely publicized what?

  1. Internet meme
  2. E-mail virus
  3. Music album
  4. Online shopping trend

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68. Which of the following commands is given to reboot the computer?

  1. Alt + F4
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Esc
  3. Ctrl + Alt + Delete
  4. Windows Key + R

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69. What is correcting errors in a program called?

  1. Debugging
  2. Optimizing
  3. Compiling
  4. Interpreting

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70. What does BCD stand for?

  1. Bitwise Code Decimal
  2. Binary Coded Decimal
  3. Binary Code Deduction
  4. Base Conversion Determinant

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71. What type of virus uses computer hosts to reproduce itself?

  1. Spyware
  2. Adware
  3. Worn
  4. Trojan

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72. SMTP, FTP, and DNS are applications of the ____ layer.

  1. Application
  2. Physical
  3. Data link
  4. Network

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73. Which command is used to select the whole document?

  1. Shift + A
  2. Ctrl + A
  3. Alt + A
  4. Alt + Shift + A

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74. What does the acronym COBOL stand for?

  1. Computer Binary Operation Language
  2. Common Business-Oriented Language
  3. Code-Based Object Logic
  4. Controlled Binary Operation Lexicon

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75. The ability of an OS to run more than one application at a time is called?

  1. Multithreading
  2. Multi-user
  3. Multi-Processing
  4. Multitasking

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76. What is the functional key to display the save-as box?

  1. F1
  2. F2
  3. F10
  4. F12

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77. What is the full form of NOS in the context of Computer Networking?

  1. Network Operating System
  2. New Operating System
  3. Node-Oriented System
  4. Numerical Operating System

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78. What term is used to describe something that has easily understood instructions?

  1. Analog Data
  2. User Friendly
  3. Clear and concise
  4. Intuitive

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79. A modem is connected to a ____.

  1. Router
  2. Computer
  3. Telephone Line
  4. Satellite Dish

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80. The refresh rate of the monitor is measured in?

  1. Pixels
  2. Frames per Second (FPS)
  3. Inches
  4. Hertz (Hz)

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81. What was the chief component of the first-generation computer?

  1. Vacuum Tubes and Valves
  2. Transistors
  3. Microprocessors
  4. Integrated Circuits

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82. What was the name of the Father of the Computer Mouse?

  1. Alan Turing
  2. Tim Berners-Lee
  3. Douglas Engelbart
  4. John von Neumann

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83. What is a term used to describe a program that performs a useful task while simultaneously allowing destructive acts?

  1. Trojan Horse
  2. Worm
  3. Malware
  4. Virus

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84. What term is used to refer to the geometric arrangement of devices on a network?

  1. Architecture
  2. Topology
  3. Configuration
  4. Infrastructure

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85. The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into ____.

  1. Knowledge
  2. Instructions
  3. Programs
  4. Information

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86. Where are the CPU and memory located?

  1. Motherboard
  2. Monitor
  3. Keyboard
  4. Printer

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87. Who is known as the founder of the IBM Company?

  1. Steve Jobs
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Thomas J. Watson
  4. Mark Zuckerberg

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88. What is an image on a computer screen composed of?

  1. Bytes
  2. Pixels
  3. Lines of Code
  4. Digital Paint

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89. What is the full form of MAN in the context of Computer Networks?

  1. Multi-Access Network
  2. Modern Area Network
  3. Micro Area Network
  4. Metropolitan Area Network

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90. Which command in DOS can be used to recover accidentally deleted files?


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91. What is the term for a computer program that converts an entire program into machine language all at once?

  1. Assembler
  2. Compiler
  3. Interpreter
  4. Debugger

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92. In which year, the Microsoft company was founded?

  1. 1972
  2. 1975
  3. 1980
  4. 1982

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93. What is the personal computer operating system that organizes and uses a graphic desktop environment?

  1. DOS
  2. Linux
  3. Windows
  4. macOS

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94. What are the light pen and joystick?

  1. Input Device
  2. Output Device
  3. Scanner
  4. Printer

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95. What is a half-byte also called?

  1. Nibble
  2. Bit
  3. Bytelet
  4. Trit

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96. What does SMPS stand for?

  1. Simple Mode Power Supply
  2. Single Mode Power Source
  3. Switch Mode Power Supply
  4. System Mode Power Saver

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97. What do we use to change the appearance and positioning of text documents in MS Word?

  1. Templates
  2. Font Styles
  3. Page Layout
  4. Formatting Toolbar

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98. What term is used to represent approximately a million bytes?

  1. Gigabyte
  2. Megabyte
  3. Kilobyte
  4. Terabyte

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99. What term is used to describe devices like the Daisy wheel, Drum, and Chain?

  1. Printer
  2. Scanner
  3. Keyboard
  4. Mouse

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100. What does XML stand for?

  1. Extensible Markup Language
  2. Extra Mobile Link
  3. Extended Modulation Level
  4. Extreme Media Library

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101. What kind of scheme is the HTTP protocol?

  1. Client-Server
  2. Request-Response
  3. Data-Transfer
  4. File-Share

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102. What category does a magnetic disk belong to?

  1. Input Device
  2. Output Device
  3. Secondary Memory
  4. Processing Device

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103. What is the meaning of OSI, in terms of computers?

  1. Open Source Interface
  2. Operational System Integration
  3. Optical Sensor Interface
  4. Open Systems Interconnection

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104. Which type of storage device is a BIOS?

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary
  3. Tertiary
  4. Cache

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105. What is the extension type of the Excel 2007 files?

  1. .xls
  2. .docx
  3. .pptx
  4. .xlsx

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106. What term is used to describe the act of collecting personal information and effectively posing as another individual?

  1. Identity Theft
  2. Cyberbullying
  3. Digital Fraud
  4. Data Breach

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107. What is the term used to describe the amount of vertical space between lines of text in a document?

  1. Indentation
  2. Spacing
  3. Line Spacing
  4. Alignment

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108. What essential component must a computer have to initiate the 'boot' process?

  1. Keyboard
  2. Operating System
  3. Monitor
  4. Mouse

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109. What is the other name for the programmed chip?

  1. LSIC
  2. ROM
  3. RAM
  4. PROM

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110. What is the typical data storage capacity of a normal CD-ROM?

  1. 500 MB
  2. 1 GB
  3. 700 MB
  4. 680 MB

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111. In the context of Computer Memory, what does DMA stand for?

  1. Data Manipulation Algorithm
  2. Direct Memory Access
  3. Digital Media Adapter
  4. Dynamic Memory Allocation

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112. In the context of Computer Networks, what is the full form of LAN?

  1. Local Access Network
  2. Long Area Network
  3. Local Area Network
  4. Limited Access Network

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113. During what period were Second Generation computers developed?

  1. 1956 - 65
  2. 1960 -70
  3. 1963 -76
  4. 1970 -80

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114. When did arch-rivals IBM and Apple Computers Inc. decide to join hands?

  1. 1985
  2. 1991
  3. 1995
  4. 2000

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115. What kind of memory is both static and non-volatile?

  1. Cache Memory
  2. Virtual Memory
  3. RAM
  4. ROM

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116. An error in software or hardware is called a bug. What is the alternative computer jargon for it?

  1. Glitch
  2. Virus
  3. Worm
  4. Malware

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117. What term is used to describe unwanted repetitious messages, such as unsolicited bulk e-mail?

  1. Hijacking
  2. Phishing
  3. Spam
  4. Malware

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118. What is the common name for the crime of stealing passwords?

  1. Hacking
  2. Phishing
  3. Malware
  4. Spoofing

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119. BIOS stands for ____.

  1. Basic Input Output System
  2. Binary Input Output System
  3. Base Input Output System
  4. Broad Input Output System

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120. Who is regarded as the Father of the C programming language?

  1. Alan Turing
  2. Dennis Ritchie
  3. Linus Torvalds
  4. Tim Berners-Lee

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121. RAM can be treated as the ____ for the computer's processor.

  1. Brain
  2. Memory
  3. Workspace
  4. Waiting Room

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122. What term is used to describe the various ways in which computers manipulate data?

  1. Data Processing
  2. Data Manipulation
  3. Data Conversion
  4. Data Rendering

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123. What category do items like Joshy and Perfumes belong to?

  1. Worm
  2. Ransomware
  3. Spyware
  4. Virus

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124. What is the term for the law enforcement specialty that involves the ability to recover and read deleted or damaged files from a criminal's computer?

  1. Digital Criminology
  2. Cyber Investigation
  3. Computer Forensics
  4. Cybersecurity Analysis

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125. Where does most data go first within a computer memory hierarchy?

  1. Secondary Storage
  2. Cache Memory
  3. RAM (Main Memory)
  4. Hard Disk Drive

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126. In the context of Windows, the 'Help' menu is available at which button?

  1. F1
  2. Start
  3. Ctrl
  4. Alt

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127. Which file contains permanent data and gets updated during the processing of transactions?

  1. Executable File
  2. Backup File
  3. Temporary File
  4. Master File

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128. A DVD is an example of an ____.

  1. Input Device
  2. Output Device
  3. Optical Disc
  4. Processing Device

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129. Which is the most common tool used to restrict access to computer systems?

  1. Firewall
  2. Anti-virus Software
  3. Encryption
  4. Password Protection

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130. What is the term for the technology that stores only essential instructions on a microprocessor chip, thus enhancing its speed?

  1. Cache Memory
  2. RISC
  3. Overclocking
  4. Parallel Processing

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131. What is the name of an application program that gathers user information and sends it to someone through the Internet?

  1. Antivirus
  2. Firewall
  3. Spybot
  4. Browser

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132. The basic unit of a worksheet into which you enter data in Excel is called?

  1. Row
  2. Cell
  3. Column
  4. Table

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133. What contains buttons and menus that provide quick access to commonly used commands?

  1. Toolbar
  2. Menubar
  3. Taskbar
  4. Status bar

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134. .doc, .xls, .ppt, and .html are examples of?

  1. Document
  2. Extensions
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. None of the above mentioned

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135. Which type of file is created by the Excel program?

  1. Document file
  2. Data file
  3. Portable document format file
  4. Workbook file

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136. What is the full form of ATM?

  1. Automatic Teller Machine
  2. Authenticated Teller Mechanism
  3. Automatic Typing Machine
  4. None of the above mentioned

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137. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the ____.

  1. Bluetooth
  2. Battery
  3. Cursor
  4. Paste Options

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138. Which function calculates the largest value in a set of numbers in Excel?

  1. = UPPER()
  2. = LEN()
  3. = MAX()
  4. = LARGER()

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139. What is the full form of 'www' on the internet?

  1. World Wide Web
  2. World Width Web
  3. World Wise Web
  4. World Wide Websites

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140. Recently all high-end smartphones are coming equipped with AMOLED screens. What is its full form?

  1. Action Material Organic Light Emitting Diode
  2. Active Matrix Original Light Emitting Diode
  3. Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting Diode
  4. None of the above mentioned

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141. Android mobile operating system is the product of which software giant?

  1. Microsoft
  2. Google
  3. Oracle
  4. Apple

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142. Gmail, a web-based email service is the product of which company?

  1. Google
  2. Oracle
  3. Apple
  4. Yahoo

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143. A pointer is shaped like a hand when it is positioned over ___.

  1. URL
  2. File
  3. Document
  4. Hyperlink

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144. MS Word allows the creation of which type of documents by default?

  1. Portable document format (.pdf)
  2. Document files (.doc)
  3. Text files (.txt)
  4. All kind of files

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145. MS-Excel allows us to create ____ documents by default.

  1. Text files (.txt)
  2. Workbook (.xlsx)
  3. Portable document format (.pdf)
  4. None of the above mentioned

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146. MS-PowerPoint allows us to create ____ documents by default.

  1. Presentation files (.pptx)
  2. Text files (.txt)
  3. Both (A) and (B)
  4. None of the above mentioned

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147. While working on a computer; data are temporarily stored in ____ memory.

  1. ROM (Read Only Memory)
  2. Cache
  3. RAM (Random Access Memory)
  4. None of the above mentioned

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148. Information travels between components on the Mother Board through ____.

  1. Buses
  2. Packets
  3. Peer-to-Peer (P2P)
  4. Both (A) and (C)

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149. The most frequently used instructions of a computer program are likely to be fetched from which type of memory?

  1. Read Only Memory
  2. Random Access Memory
  3. Cache memory
  4. None of the above mentioned

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150. A website on which an individual or group of users record opinions, information, etc. on a regular basis is called a?

  1. Portfolio website
  2. Blog
  3. Non-profit website
  4. Business website

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151. Which type of Operating system is Linux?

  1. Free BSD
  2. Closed Source Operating System
  3. Open Source Operating System
  4. None of the above mentioned

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152. Text or Graphics while copying is temporarily stored in?

  1. Clipboards
  2. Cache
  3. RAM
  4. ROM

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153. Horizontal orientation of a page is referred to as ____in Page Setup.

  1. Landscape
  2. Portrait
  3. Print Layout
  4. Web View Layout

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154. Defragmentation of the Hard drive is done for?

  1. To recycle it
  2. To destroy it
  3. Creating more free spaces
  4. To install OS

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155. The purpose of the primary key in a database is to?

  1. Uniquely identify a record
  2. Uniquely delete a record
  3. Uniquely save a record
  4. None of the above mentioned

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156. Which command is used to copy a text or file?

  1. Ctrl + C
  2. Shift + C
  3. Alt + C
  4. Ctrl + Shift+ C

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157. Which command is used to paste a text or file?

  1. Ctrl + P
  2. Ctrl + V
  3. Shift + P
  4. Alt + P

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158. Printed copy of a document is often called?

  1. Hard Copy
  2. Soft Copy
  3. Virtual Copy
  4. None of the above mentioned

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159. The device used to carry Digital data on Analog lines is called ____.

  1. Conductor
  2. Insulator
  3. Demodulation
  4. Modulator

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160. Which are used to identify a user to get the details of accessibility on a website?

  1. Buses
  2. Cache
  3. Cookies
  4. None of the above mentioned

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161. The program which translates and executes the program at run-time line by line is called as?

  1. Interpreter
  2. Compiler
  3. Assembler
  4. Inter-Assembler

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162. FTP stands for?

  1. File Translator Protocol
  2. File Translator Process
  3. File Transfer Process
  4. File Transfer Protocol

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163. Computers use the ___ Number System to store data and perform calculations.

  1. Binary
  2. Hexadecimal
  3. Octal
  4. Roman

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164. What does the DOS stand for?

  1. Data Operating System
  2. Disk Operating Service
  3. Disk Output System
  4. Disk Operating System

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165. Hardware that converts your computer's digital signal to an analog signal that can travel over telephone lines is called?

  1. Modem
  2. Router
  3. Wi-Fi
  4. None of the above mentioned

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166. What allow wireless mobile devices to access the Internet and its services?

  1. WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
  2. WAP (Wired Application Protocol)
  3. WAP (Wireless Automated Process)
  4. None of the above mentioned

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167. Group of instructions that directs a computer is called?

  1. Firmware
  2. Package
  3. Application
  4. Program

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168. A computer-controlled device for training exercises that duplicates the work environment is called a?

  1. Accumulator
  2. Simulator
  3. Network
  4. Pre-Accumulator

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169. Perforated paper used as input or output media is known as?

  1. Buses
  2. Magnetic tape
  3. Paper tape
  4. None of the above mentioned

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170. Which network topology Ethernet uses?

  1. Ring topology
  2. Star topology
  3. Bus topology
  4. None of the above mentioned

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171. IBM 1401 is a?

  1. First-Generation Computer
  2. Second-Generation Computer
  3. Third-Generation Computer
  4. None of the above mentioned

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172. The personal computer industry was started by which company?

  1. Infosys
  2. IBM (International Business Machine)
  3. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)
  4. Microsoft

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173. Which was the most popular first-generation computer

  1. IBM 950
  2. IBM 750
  3. IBM 650
  4. None of the above mentioned

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174. Responsibility of the logical unit in the CPU of a computer is?

  1. To compare numbers
  2. To compare text
  3. To compare symbols
  4. None of the above mentioned

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