'Cloning' Row or Column Vectors to Matrix

In this tutorial, we will learn how to clone given row or column vectors to matrix using Python NumPy? By Pranit Sharma Last updated : May 28, 2023

Problem Statement

Given row or column vectors, we have clone given vectors to a matrix using Python NumPy.

Creating clones of row or column vectors to a matrix

The easiest way for cloning row or column vectors to a matrix, you can use the numpy.tile() method which takes a vector or an array and returns the array repeated by a given number of repetitions.


numpy.tile(A, reps)

Let us understand with the help of examples,

Example 1: Cloning Row Vector to Matrix

# Import numpy
import numpy as np

# Row vector
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]

# Printing "arr"
print("arr:\n", arr, "\n")

# Closing row vector to a matrix
res = np.tile(arr, (4, 1))

# Printing the result
print("Matrix:\n", res)


 [1, 2, 3, 4] 

 [[1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]
 [1 2 3 4]]

Example 2: Cloning Column Vector to Matrix

# Import numpy
import numpy as np

# Column vector
arr = [[4],

# Printing "arr"
print("arr:\n", arr, "\n")

# Closing column vector to a matrix
res = np.tile(arr, (1, 4))

# Printing the result
print("Matrix:\n", res)


 [[4], [5], [6], [7]] 

 [[4 4 4 4]
 [5 5 5 5]
 [6 6 6 6]
 [7 7 7 7]]

Python NumPy Programs »


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