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Simple Interest Program in Python
Find simple interest program in Python: Here, we are going to learn how to find the simple interest in Python when principle amount, rate of interest and time is given?
By IncludeHelp Last updated : April 09, 2023
Given principle amount, rate and time and we have to find the simple interest in Python.
How to find simple interest in Python?
To calculate simple interest, we use the following formula,
(P * R * T) / 100
- P – Principle amount
- R – Rate of the interest, and
- T – Time in the years
Simple Interest Calculation
p = 250000
r = 36
t = 1
# formula
si = (p*r*t)/100
Python Program for Simple Interest
# Python program to find simple interest
p = float(input("Enter the principle amount : "))
r = float(input("Enter the rate of interest : "))
t = float(input("Enter the time in the years: "))
# calculating simple interest
si = (p*r*t)/100
# printing the values
print("Principle amount: ", p)
print("Interest rate : ", r)
print("Time in years : ", t)
print("Simple Interest : ", si)
First run:
Enter the principle amount : 10000
Enter the rate of interest : 3.5
Enter the time in the years: 1
Principle amount: 10000.0
Interest rate : 3.5
Time in years : 1.0
Simple Interest : 350.0
Second run:
Enter the principle amount : 250000
Enter the rate of interest : 36
Enter the time in the years: 1
Principle amount: 250000.0
Interest rate : 36.0
Time in years : 1.0
Simple Interest : 90000.0
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