Python - Convert list to string using recursion

By IncludeHelp Last updated : February 17, 2024

In programming, recursion is a technique that calls itself directly or indirectly and such function is known as recursive or recursion function.

Problem statement

Given a Python list, write a Python program to convert the given list to a string using Recursion.

Converting a list to string using recursion

To list to string using recursion, write a recursion function that extracts each element of the list, converts it into a string, and concatenates it to a resultant string variable.

Python program to convert list to string using recursion

The below program converts a given list to a string using the recursion function in Python:

# Recursion function to convert
# list to string
def list_to_start(start, lst, result):
    if start == len(lst):
        # base condition to return string
        return result

    # Extarct & concatenate element in
    # list to result variable
    result += str(lst[start]) + " "

    # calling recursive function
    return list_to_start(start + 1, lst, result)

# The main code
# Declaring a list
cities = ["New Delhi", "Indore", "Mumbai", "Banglore"]

# Calling function
res = list_to_start(0, cities, "")

# Printing values and their types
print("cities:", cities)
print("Type of cities:", type(cities))

print("After converting list to string")
print("res:", res)
print("Type of res:", type(res))


The output of the above program is:

cities: ['New Delhi', 'Indore', 'Mumbai', 'Banglore']
Type of cities: <class 'list'>
After converting list to string
res: New Delhi Indore Mumbai Banglore 
Type of res: <class 'str'>

To understand the above program, you should have the basic knowledge of the following Python topics:


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