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E-Government Models
In this article, we are going to learn about E-Government Models: G2C (Government to consumer), G2B (Government to Business), G2G (Government to government).
Submitted by Brajesh Kumar Shrivash, on March 25, 2018
Prerequisite: E-Governance and E-Government: Concept of Modernization.
E-Government models
There are three E-Government, which are:
- G2C (Government to consumer)
- G2B (Government to Business)
- G2G (Government to government)
1) G2C (Government to consumer)
All the necessary policies information, schemes need to share with consumer. In India government most of the schemes their policies are not accessible by consumer’s because of lake of knowledge information etc. To fill this gap you has started their working through computer and internet so that any citizen can access the information and got the benefit of available schemes.
Through G2C, consumer can apply online as well as get the status of submitted application.
- Quick response
- Record keeping
- Analysis on available data
- Transparency
2) G2B (Government to Business)
Government firm’s contact with private or government organization trough computer system of get business proposals or business deals.
Now day’s government organizations ask renders online. For transparent system as well as increase profit.
3) G2G (Government to government)
The computerized system in which two or more than two government firms or departments communicate with each other through computer network i.e. internet. Now a day’s, there is no need to wait to get response from any government department to complete a task due to automation of computer system. Below mentioned figure is illustrating the same.
For example:
A government department ‘A’ is processing a file during the process if this department needs same data information from another department to get complete the running file process then this department using internet/ computer network ask required information.
This way, speedup the response rate and working efficiency of government process, so, this way, computer system can process multiple file within very-very less time period.