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How to copy specified number of characters from a string into character array in C#?
Given a string and we have to copy number of character from given position to character array in C#
[Last updated : March 19, 2023]
Copying characters from string to character array
To copy specified number of characters from a string to character array, we use string.CopyTo() method.
int sourceIndex,
char []destArray,
int destIndex ,
int totalChar);
- sourceIndex : It is the index of string from which we are copying characters to character array.
- destArray : It is a character array, in which we are copying characters form string.
- destIndex : It is index of destination character array.
- totalChar : It specifies, how many characters will we copied.
C# program to copy characters from string to character array
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication1 {
class Program {
static void Main() {
string str = "Hello, How are you ?";
int i = 0;
//charcater array declaration
char[] CH = new char[11];
//copying 11 characters from 7th index
str.CopyTo(7, CH, 0, 11);
//printing character by character
for (i = 0; i < CH.Length; i++) {
Console.Write(CH[i] + "");
How are you
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